Long lost velious Quests

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by fransisco, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. fransisco Augur

    The patch notes for today (7/19) mention that several "long lost velious quests" have been restored.

    Does anyone know what these are?
    Xanadas likes this.
  2. Xanadas Augur

    I was going to post the same thing.

    Maybe a little hint/help, devs?
  3. Numiko Augur

  4. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Spoilers Below, if you want to mess around with the new quests on your own read no further!

    BFG wasn't included in them when I ran around on test.

    There is a new NPC in the centerish of Kael Drakkel named "Yimmrek the Herald" that asks you what class you are. When you tell him your class he directs you to NPCs with appropriate class quests, some of which have been ingame and known about for a long time a couple others have ?new quests?.

    New shadowknight quest, involving the old instruments from classic.

    New Druid/bard quest, Unknown Reward I suspect it is the Bracelet of Swirling Smoke though

    For the SK boots I had to turn in both instruments simultaneously to trigger the reward so I'm assuming you would need all 3 books as well, meaning you can't narrow down the possibilities as to which ones they are by turning 1 in at a time to see if he accepts them.

    The biggest "plothole" i found is that if you tell Yimmrek you are a caster class he refers you to Keldor, but all attempts I made to get Keldor to respond to me proved nothing.

    Yimmrek the Herald says, 'A weaver of the mystical arts! If you gain renown within the city you might be able to gain an audience with the great Keldor. He is a powerful sorcerer, once the apprentice to Velketor. Now he is King Tormax's primary advisor. Some say that Keldor had a hand in Velketor's banishment from Kael. Don't say that too loudly, though. Keldor has ears and eyes everywhere.'

    I hit max ally with Kromrif/Kromzek/KT and Keldor's responses never changed. Went as far as /shouting that Keldor is a banishing cuck but that didn't do anything either. I attempted to give him Velketor's Spellbook, Velium Candy Jars, Dragons Blood Earrings, musical instruments but he wasn't interested in any of them.

    I expect that Keldor's quest, if it exists, is supposed to provide a way for people to quest for the Orb of the Infinite Void as this is a very nice item that caster classes use in this era. The majority of giants in Kael provide quests as a way to get their drops without killing them so this would make sense. KT had no new quest dialogue.

    I didn't see any new NPCs in Thurgadin but admittedly I didn't hail every old NPC to see if they had new dialogue. I also didn't give Skyshrine a complete look because I didn't want to grind the faction and there's like 10000 dragons in that zone.

    Goodluck have fun.
  5. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Was there a title reward for first to complete like Kunark Archeologist?
  6. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Not as far as I know on Test. It's also possible I wasn't the first one to finish it though so someone may have gotten a serverwide and a title before I logged on to do them.

    Edit: Completed the SK Boots on Phinigel TLP server, no serverwide.
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