LoN claims on TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hatchet, May 6, 2017.

  1. Hatchet New Member

    I haven't played TLP since Fippy so I missed the boat for awhile.

    My basic question is are any of the item in my /claim window actually claimable? Visual only items used to be available for claims and potions, I guess this changed sometime since then.

    I don't need anything outstanding but would like all my xp pots.
  2. Silentchaos Augur

    I am not 100pct on this, but IIRC the potions packs will be available when SoF launches, the mounts/familiars/illusions and other crap you got from LoN will be available when SoD launches.