Log In server not working

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vaxpo, Jul 7, 2020.

  1. Vaxpo Elder

    Trying to log in gets you to character select but when then trying to enter the game it disconnects you while leaving the character in game.

    Now, I know that you are "monitoring the situation" and "Keeping an eye on things." However, at some point would you consider actually doing something to fix it? You have over a month of time now watching things. Perhaps it is time to move to phase 2, otherwise known as "fixing the damn problem."

    P.S. Remember how you said that opening a new server would not bode well for the health of Aradune? Well, tell me how the lag, log in issues, zoning taking forever, etc bodes well for Aradune...
  2. Kesdral New Member

    cant login. what else is new.