Lockjaw server population

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Leyvia, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Leyvia New Member

    Hello, its easy to see from everquest.com that the population is not on par with the other server. Phinigel is always full, as well as Ragefire.

    What can you do Daybreak to remedy that?

    Do you guys have any solution?

    Server merge/Velious?

    Thank in advance.

    A bored lil ranger.
  2. Soon Augur

    I witnessed someone wanted to destroy the server and they got it done. Now bend your knee to the lockjaw god's remains.
  3. Varisath Elder


    Snapped from Twitch chat tonight during the 17th Anniversary stream.

    Godspeed Lockjaw, you're on your own out there.
    Tudadar likes this.
  4. Iyvy Augur

    ...................Phinny.......... Ragefire .......Lockjaw

    Enchanter:. .176............... 50................. 38

    Cleric: .........180............... 45................ 28

    Shaman: .....131.............. 30................ 14

    Warrior: ........92............... 16................ 17

    Mage:........... 116............. 50................ 20

    9pm PST on a Thursday.
    Seraphim likes this.
  5. Dabrixmgp Augur

    If theres only 20 mages then server is dead
  6. -wycca Augur

  7. Machen New Member

    This is actually the first time in 5 years or more that anyone at SoE/DBG has even raised it as a possibility sometime in the future. Pretty huge good sign I'd say, just going to be a bit of a wait.
  8. Kiani Augur

    More like the class is dying...
  9. Fizzle Augur

    I started an account when Lockjaw and Rage launched, decided to wait until the dust settled. Im back and rolling on Phinny because its the hot place to be. I remember being told back in May that LJ was going to be the Vulak to and Ragefires Fippy and have fun playing on a dead server. Why did it die? There were to many people for me to even want to compete with a few months back and thats why I've just returned.
  10. Poydras Augur

    Phinny just recently opened kunark, and is kind of a "high maintenance" server. People need to log in way more than they would on the other servers just to grind xp. The question is, in a year or so after the popular expansions are past, how's it compare?

    Ragefire just got their Velious vote.

    There's still more mages than pretty much any melee class.

    And it was a wednesday, unless you posted info that was a week old (or a day in the future) =p.

    But given what happened with Vulak and how perception can become reality, I would worry about Lockjaw going that way too. Though I never believe anyone who thinks they can predict the future in these things. It's a reasonable guess, but still just a guess. We don't know what crazy things daybreak will do next.
  11. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    That's with single computer boxing too. Yikes!
  12. Raejin Lorekeeper

    On Phinny you have no reason to /roleplay actually helps find groups with it off. Everyone on LJ is /role so those FI guys don't get too bored and come DPS RACE BRO.
  13. Wintermalo Augur

    Re-rolling is really, really, really easy. Anyone who is "stuck" on Lockjaw is just too lazy to re-roll. They have no one to blame but themselves, everyone saw this coming.
    Punchu likes this.
  14. Tulgin Augur

    With 17 days of +70% XP, this is the perfect time to reroll. Yes it sucks for now, but if you plan on playing EQ for a while, get on with it.
  15. Saglagar Lorekeeper

    Darth has ruined his own lands, he shall not ruin mine. Stay on LJ, you know that bed you made that you must now sleep in.
  16. Kiani Augur

    Re-rolling is easy sure...

    But if you're 60 and fully raid geared and in a guild that's killing VP, it's not that easy to duplicate on Phinny.
  17. SomethingWitty Augur

    The situation with the TLP servers is just ridiculous, and I lay the blame at squarely at DBG's feet, not any one player or guild. The fact that I basically have to re-roll for a THIRD time to play on a long-term viable server is REALLY infuriating
  18. Wintermalo Augur

    Not immediately, but you will get there. Maybe you don't get back into the top of the raiding game until Velious.

    What would you prefer though. Playing on a server that likely won't make it to Luclin, let alone PoP, or playing on a highly populated server that will likely stay that way thanks to instanced raiding?
  19. Trevalon Augur

    Wow, if these numbers are accurate then LJ had, more than likely, less than 200 people on the whole server and that is with the rampant boxing.

    That is lower than Vulak was during post PoP era! This server will be 100% dead by the time Luclin drops...

    If I were on LJ I would quickly be making a character either on Phinny or if you must box on Ragefire while the EXP is still good.
  20. Tulgin Augur

    It was 4 people 40 boxing.