Leveling Guide - Phinny?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by -Denizzen-, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. -Denizzen- Lorekeeper

    Hi again folks,

    Returning player here. Absconding from the LawyerQuest of p99, giving Phinny a shot!

    I've rolled an Enchanter and a friend helped me with some coins to get a beginner set of gear, so my cha and HP are in line to start charm killing my way up to raiding level.

    I didn't look last night, does the /lfg tool work on this server?

    Does anyone have recommendations on where to begin leveling assuming I log in sporadically and have to solo?

    I think I was told Paludal at ~5ish. I'd like to be able to just log in and charm kill without having to fight people for camps or things like that.

    Any guidance available here?


    DeniMank of Quellious
  2. Astley Augur

    LFG does kinda work... but don't expect to sit in /lfg and get a group passively.

    Be active about forming and checking the chat channels advertising for people you want to bring to your group and you'll have a better time... most people are too lazy and wait for someone to take the initiative to add them to a group.

    Leveling route in old world is generally Crushbone/Unrest to start as the most popular, you could hit spots in Paludal Caverns and DSP on the moon getting higher (added benefit of checking for buffs in Nexus), LGuk, Sebilis and Velks, Grieg's End, etc are the more popular spots as you get near level cap.

    Soloing exp is not so great... but I can't compare to p99 to tell you whether you'll pull your hair out or not.

    Grouping is going to be a fair bit faster usually though, as full groups see an inflated exp return.
  3. uk6999 Augur

    You picked one of the easiest classes to get a group with IMO. Charm pets add a lot of dps to any group and once you get high enough AE groups are always looking for enchanters. You will probably be a bit on your own until 6 or so even then it still may be hard to find solid groups. I went to crushbone for explorer achievements a few nights ago around 8pm CST and there was only one other person in the zone. About lvl 9 head to unrest or PC. You will be on the lower side of grouping there but still should be able to find something. Anyway the most popular xp zones that I know of in increasing level order:

    Unrest -- PC :: Lower Guk :: Velk Lab :: Griegs End -- Deep (AE) -- OS(AE) -- Chardok (AE/Charm Pet)

    I have also seen a couple of middle level luclin zones asking for more in general/luclin chat. Anyway there are a ton of other zones to explore and the above list isnt close to being on point as you can find groups just about anywhere if you look hard enough or form your own groups.

    Use /newplayers channel to find groups early on. Also, people will typically search by who all [lvl range] lfg. So throwing up your /lfg while not /anon or /role is also a way to find a group.
  4. -Denizzen- Lorekeeper

    Yup yup, you cited multiple reasons I chose enchanter.

    Typically desired in groups, able to solo, and since I'm starting so far behind, I want to be able to AE my balls off to grind AA's and play a bit of "catch up" once I arrive to raid level.

    Ultimately I'll want to box a Cleric, and if I get really crazy, throw in a Wizard. For now, time to get the Enchanter going and sufficient to the point of being able to farm my subscription. Feels silly paying for EQ after all these years :p


    I like the idea of bopping back to the Nexus for buffs. Crushbone is out - Not gonna ruin my inkie faction!

    What I would really love is:

    Level 1 to x - Zone 1
    Level x to y - Zone 2
    Level y to z - Zone 3

    Thank you for the suggestions so far!


  5. Illusory Augur

    Personally, leveling zone is a preference... In game, you could do '/who all 10 24' to get an idea of where people are.

    Since we're in Luclin, my path is as such,
    1-10 (Any Newbie Areas, but Field of Bone** is the best)
    10-24 (You could do Kurn's Tower until 14-16 and then hit P_Caverns... Or just hit PC at 10. Technically you could hit PC at a much lower level as well.
    24-30 (Tower of Frozen Shadow**, Mesa Seru, High Keep, Frontier Mountains, DSP, or OverThere)
    30-40 (DSP, Overthere (until 34 and then Dreadlands,) City of Mist)
    40-50 (Velks, Seb, Maiden's Eye, or entry area GE)
    50-60 (Inner Grieg's End, Inner Seb, Inner Velks, or deep Chardok)

    This is just my path, and the reason you haven't really received a list like the above is because there are countless other zones you could try as well.
  6. Randomgamer Journeyman

  7. Baldur Augur

    So if you want the best zones to level up in as an enchanter (meaning where the best charmed mobs are), no one has mentioned the best two.

    You'll want to hit up City of Mist around mid 30s. Mobs have low hps and hit hard, making for great charmed pets. You can still find groups here too, and can even solo here as an enchanter. Can definitely duo with a healer very easily.

    Can get to early to mid 40s in CoM, even up to 50 if you wanted, then you'll want to head to Howling Stones. You'll need to do the key quest, but this izone is hands down the best zone to level in if you are an enchanter or necro. You'll have a harder time finding groups in the zone, you may need to invite people in nexus to come with you, but the mobs are just higher level versions of CoM mobs, hit hard with low hps. Once you get into your mid to high 50s you can charm the named mobs, specifically The Crypt Spectre, and then the exp will roll in.
  8. Illusory Augur

    I mentioned CoM! :)

    I was going to put down Howling Stones, but because its a keyed zone he may not want to take the time to grab both pieces for the key.
  9. Bewts Augur

    Oh but he should get keyed there!

    One place many people seem to forget, especially as an dark elf is high hold keep; unless I'm wrong it has one of the highest ZEM and can support you basically from your 20's all the way to 55 if you do the nobles that are on something like a 4 minute respawn timer.
  10. -Denizzen- Lorekeeper

    Ok cool beans. Thank you everyone.

    I also remember ZEM, is there a legit document anywhere that has records of the current ZEM on this server? I'd be very interested in that.
  11. Baldur Augur

    They have never publicly released ZEM values, so any document would just be guesses.

    Dungeons are more than non dungeon zones, that's all they've ever really said about it.
  12. -Denizzen- Lorekeeper

    Roger that, tankoos.