Leveling a character and leveling skills

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Elthorien, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. Elthorien Elder

    been many changes over the years, and most of them I like and are good
    one of the biggest changes overall is how fast a character can level up from 1 to 50
    character melee skills and casting skills no longer keep up with how fast a character can level
    this results in significant time a person must dedicate to getting those skills up, and finding ways to do such (spend hours casting spells in guild hall to get skills up, or spend significant
    time beating on a merc in the arena to get melee skills up are just some of the things people use)

    suggest an alteration to the code, to slightly increase the rate in which skills are improved for the level 1 thru 50 bracket of the game
  2. Scorrpio Augur

    I dunno I recently had a side diversion leveling a paladin, got him to 20 in one day. Defiant gear, high ratio exquisite velium weapons from DN. No problem keeping skills up, especially once he hit lvl 14 or so. One caveat: healer merc. Most people use a tank which takes hits for you and makes hits for you. Result is bad skills. Healer keeps you alive while you take and make hits, and skills are in top condition. Sure it is a bit slower. But not that much.
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Scorrpio, the difference is, once you get to higher level, and higher skill values, the increases slow down a LOT. Especially if you have a bad streak with the RNG. Add the fact that it's easier than ever to level up, and it just compounds the situation.

    I heartily agree with Elthorien, they should either greatly increase the chance of skillups, or just base them off of your level.

  4. Thash Zoner

    The thing with skills is it takes playtime and a bit of persistence to raise them fully. I've skilled many many alts, and while it's dull, there are ways to make it less painful.

    First off, slow skill gains is a major advertising point for heroic characters, so I doubt anything will be done.

    So you just make sure to use the skills you want to gain in battle, when you don't have to think about it. I don't want to raise abjuration to 300 casting endure cold while sitting on a horse all day. But on a spam hotkey in trivial content, it's easy. You just gotta be patient.

    Defense skill might be the most annoying. But, it's not that bad.

    Besides, I feel like taking the time adds something to the fullness of the identity of the character. That's just personal consolation, but you take what you can get.
    Annastasya likes this.
  5. corwin Journeyman

    One way of helping this with casting skills is to set up a macro to tie in a less used spell with a commonly used one


    /cast big nuke
    /cast minor shielding
  6. Scorrpio Augur

    I dunno about higher levels my main is a chanter I an still bringing up (103 now) plus got a lvl 100 druid. Whatever skills still not maxed seem to go up quite quickly after leveling.
  7. kinadafz Augur

    I leveled a bard to around 71, and his skills were still in the 100's.

    cast a melody and go afk for....days. Yes, days. It literally takes multiple days of straight bard songs to level to max, utterly ridiculous.
    Tatanka likes this.