Level 101 necro looking for advice on any good things to get from HH

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Shortina, Jun 18, 2023.

  1. Shortina Journeyman

    Its Hardcore heritage time again and I haven't been to those zones in years, but have a 101 necro to play for a few months while shoulder surgery heals up. Are there any upgraded heritage zone items I should be looking for that would be beneficial to my necro. My hubby plays with me too as a mage; so any help there would be great. Yes, I can search, but typing doesn't feel great.
  2. Nightops Augur

    Old Seb HH zone had 2 augs from random trash killing. One was a caster version and the other a melee. I used those augs through most of ToL expansion. Old Seb also had a click item or two for each class. Most of the clicks were useless, but were still kinda fun to get the old gear again. Old Seb also had a 40slot box drop in the crypt area that lots of people farmed. Unfortunately, the box was very rare.