Level 1 through 85 gear/weapons/augs are now garbage?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sostenes, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Sostenes Augur


    So yeah, now that the heroic characters are out it appears that anything you may have had in your trader satchels that is lower than lvl 85 is now garbage or any loot you come across under level 85 is now garbage. So sad....

    Yesterday our guild made the decision to dump all items below 80. I had predicted that level 85 was going to be the new level 1.

    Just find it mind blowing that all the content available such as zones, items, quests, raids, etc below level 85 are now meaningless...Perhaps we will see more old zone revamps? Peanut Butter Smudged Paineel? Lesser Lesser Faydark? Steamfront Mountains of Doom!

  2. Sinestra Augur

    I'm still playing a few alts that are under 85. My monk is level 51 and I just finished her 1.0, so it's certainly untrue that the items are garbage.

    Certainly not anymore garbage that they were when people used their mercs to level them up to level 70+ and then got powerleveled.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  3. Zarzac Augur

    I love the idea of revamps. If I was a graphics guy I wouldn't play EQ. Revamping old zones allows for "new" content to be created without the work(cost) of designing a new zone. Just put in the new mobs and a few quests and you are good to go.
  4. Gortar Augur

    I love that idea too =D
  5. Crystilla Augur

    I think that might be a bit harsh Sostenes. There are tons of characters not going heroic who are under level 85. Plus there are new characters being started that won't go heroic. Both of which are an option for that.

    Plus the content zones are still more than viable above level 85. Whether it be for nostalgia reasons, actual raid drops (that aren't put elsewhere in game), quests like epics that require those zones, other quests that are worth doing still and so on.
  6. Sostenes Augur

    I guess what I am saying is, the market or need for content below level 85 has dramatically decreased (from an already low demand) since heroics characters came out. Just curious as how this will play out :)

  7. Trajet D'Or Augur

    The vast majority of level 1-79 gear from permanent content was already useless unless you play in a progression raiding guild. Itemization begins at level 80.

    Yellow Fang Earring Jewelry ID: 8129
    Slot: Ear
    AC: 30 HP: 0 MANA: 0
    Slot 1, type 7: empty
    Class: All

    That's the highest AC earring from group content a Monk can equip at level 79 until Paragon (60ac) earrings were added to Hero's Journey.

    At level 80 there is a 78ac ear from the Guardian anniversary mission and 17 more options on top of Paragon ears in the 55-62ac range.


    Pick any class, any slot, limit the search to group content and cap the level at 79 and then 80. You know how you can get all the stats available to you from the best level 79 group gear from permanent content? Go AFK in the Guild Lobby.

    The level 80+ gear is in really high demand right now, lots of existing drops are much better than the starting gear on heroic characters.

    You should have dumped almost all the group gear below 80 a long time ago, it genuinely sucks. Sure sometimes someone with more plat than brains would buy that stuff because it was better than their character had and it made them feel warm and fuzzy to upgrade their back item from total crap to pretty crappy and would give you some pp for that privilege but it had no discernible impact on the performance of their character.
  8. Stahn New Member

    I wouldn't say that they are meaningless but, yeah I get the OP's point. The thing is, not every char that is created from here on out is going to be level 85. For instance, I have a 30 BL alt that I am taking through the hero's journey, every single quest. You can't do that if you start at level 85 and I'm certain that there are others who have their own reasons for running baby toons from the ground up.


    I would love to see some high level content in the old zones. You wouldn't have to do total revamps, just add them in. A level 100 Emp Crush would be cool, just have him ignore toons below a certain level or make him untargetable for chars that are level appropriate for the rest of the zone.
    and do it all over the place. I think it would be very cool to be grinding in Unrest when a raid comes in to take down The level 110 Zombie of an Unrest Noble.
    Yinla likes this.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    While I'm messing around with my unicorn at the moment, until CotF AAs are in once they are done I'll bee returning to my level 65ish toons. I'd just started them on DoN progression and looking forward to working through those lines of quests again.

    I still have various alts at different levels for when I need a change. :)
  10. Dandin Augur

    Ever frost LDoNs offer one of the best augs in game

    Look up Icy Prisim of Avoidance
  11. Mithrandyr Augur

    The bottom fell out of that market when they introduced defiant gear. It's not that the sub 85 has market has decreased so much as the market for 85+ has increased, especially as a percentage of the whole.

    There are still some sub 85 items that are viable, mostly unique and epic drops.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  12. Tharrg Augur

    yeah it all comes down to your server... for instance.. on Xegony... pretty much every level 50+ rare is permaheld and camped by farmers who sell the loot etc... when the servers come back up from patch there are level 100's who warp to these mobs so fast that its impossible to get things. I have tried before.. I have used bind at 1 location and then run to another and on repop I have seen people killing the mobs when I log on.. I gate.. onyl to find same person somehow has already beat me to the next spot and is killing there as well. Its frustrating and is the reason I push so much to get spawn times reduced to 4-6hours so that it makes getting to spawns possible..
  13. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    People going on about how level 1-85 stuff is worthless is just funny to me. People (especially new and returning players) are not going to go out and spend $35 to buy a Heroic Character. They are going to play the game and decide if they like the game first; at least the smart ones will. The people who will be buying HCs are the people who already play and don't feel like leveling up a second or third character or who wish to change mains without the hassle of leveling. Right now the only reason so many people are doing HCs is because they are free. After the 26th you will see a marked drop in them down to whatever the actual demand for them is.
    Yinla and beryon like this.