Lets get a show of hands, who would play on Free Trade TLP?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Piznut, Apr 8, 2020.

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  1. Scourch New Member

    I don't understand why we need to keep doing this until they listen. FFS this is all I ever see people talk about when they say what they want next for a TLP. SMH
  2. Khiandri New Member

    Count me in! ^_^
  3. Herf Augur

    What is a free trade server? Is that where Juan Valdez provides tradeskill mats for an honest price?
  4. Typucm Elder

    Great idea!
    Let sub players vote and them will see its not only 5 ppl who want FV TLP.

    +1 for FV tlp.
  5. ForumBoss Augur

    I would only restart on a tlp if it has free trade rules. I won't quit entirely if they don't, I'll remain on selos but not be buying up bags, etc on a new server.
  6. Mr Blue Sky Elder

    I would play on a free trade TLP server.

    FV is good, but finding groups not so good, a TLP server.....yes please.
  7. Magic Augur

    One more FV TLP fan here.

    Maybe make in game poll on some sub-only server (maybe on Phinny?) like already some servers vote to open new expansion. Make news about it and I sure there will be A LOT of ppl who vote for new FV TLP. Even if someone will need re-sub for it.
  8. Jimmy2times Elder

    I’m a fan. Don’t even say there will be cheating. Ppl sell loot rights as it is and cheating hasn’t been cleaned up anyways...
  9. Noreaster Journeyman

    I absolutely would love a FV ruleset for a TLP.
  10. dwiguslowater Journeyman

    I would play on a tlp with fv rules in a heartbeat. Otherwise I probably won't be subbing
  11. ManglerNecro Journeyman

    Even if them add free trade on later expansions (Luclin or PoP maybe?).
    Brekt turned into free-trade server with no problem on coding, so why not TLP?
  12. Silver-Crow Augur

    I really don't think FV is successful because of free trade.
    If free trade were the only criteria, why wasn't Brekt also a runaway success?

    FV is simply successful because it has numbers. Everyone wants to join a busy server, or a server that appears busy. I suspect FV does attract a large number of box/bot teams, which in turn falsly increases the player numbers.

    I personally think that the loudest voices shouting for free trade tlp, are those that are out to milk it for as many krono as possible, rather than actually playing it for fun.

    I will never play on a free trade server,

    I would support the creation of a Free Trade TLP however, if nothing else than to gather all the A$$hats in the same place, and let them wallow in a hell of their own making, leaving the rest of the servers much nicer places to be :)
    Genoane likes this.
  13. Thewiz Augur

    Count me in!
  14. Iove Elder

    Lol :)
    So, trust me, FV TLP also will be successful because of numbers :)
    jeskola likes this.
  15. Silver-Crow Augur

    Any new TLP has immense numbers... it doesn't need a FV ruleset to happen.
    What may be different is that the krono lords stay there (one can only hope)
  16. Stagentti Augur

    Yup I've always wanted FV and been vocal about it.
  17. jeskola pheerie

    Not true. Miragul....
  18. Silver-Crow Augur

    lol Miragul... very true.;)
  19. Wiff Elder

    Yes, I want a free trade TLP.
  20. Bullsnooze Augur

    I'd be for a Free-Trade Progression ruleset with a few stipulations.
    1. Free-Trade server is a one way transfer to FV.
    2. Anyone caught cheating on a True-box Time-Locked Progression server would have all accounts in question first banned, and if guilty transferred to the 'Free-Trade' server.
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