LdoN Type 3 augs and toys

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Orbital101, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Orbital101 Augur

    LDoN Raid: Takish-Hiz: Within the Compact
    Where: North Ro
    Who: Efrelle Trieui
    Flowkeeper's Gem of Replenishment
    Tweynes's Stone of Evocation

    LDoN Raid: Mistmoore Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny
    Where: Butcherblock Mountains
    Who: Kroggl
    Valdoon's Immortal Blood Gem

    LDoN Raid: Mistmoore Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury
    Where: Butcherblock Mountains
    Who: Glopruk Tigglum
    Gargoyle's Stone of Vitality
    Ruby of Bloody Vengeance
    Sharp Gravestone Shard

    LDoN Raid: Miragul's Menagerie: Frozen Nightmare
    Where: Everfrost Peaks
    Who: Qileour Bahiael
    Cooling Stone of Health
    Frozen Gem of Strength
    Lost Jewel of Shifting Colors
    Shard of Shrunken Bone

    LDoN Raid: Miragul's Menagerie: Folly of Miragul's Ambition
    Where: Everfrost Peaks
    Who: Trelsa McKindle
    Jeweled Sentinel's Broken Aura

    LDoN Raid: Deepest Guk: The Rescue
    Where: South Ro
    Who: Scout Miigle
    Shard of Burning Ooze
    Shard of Guktan Hate

    LDoN Raid: Deepest Guk: Ritualist of Hate
    Where: South Ro
    Who: Friggal Bribbitz
    Enchanted Stone of Burning Rage
    Shard of Eternal Pain
    Ritualist's Divination Gem

    LDoN Raid: Rujarkian Hills: Hidden Vale of Deceit
    Where: Commonlands
    Who: Chaenz Abella
    Anomalous Rock of Alteration

    Adventure Merchants: South Ro
    Haele Straedhon - 1150 Adventure Points
    Taeri Kuqq - 1150 Adventure Points
    Pristine Limestone of Hatred
    Cold Slimestone of Fury

    Im I missing anything?
    Was actually trying to post this else where but I Couldn get the hyper link to work and I have no extra time to figure it out so enjoy!
    Phrovo1 and shik like this.
  2. Niphreedil New Member

    Never mind, I missed the restriction to LDoN in the title of your post.
  3. Brohg Augur

    +130 atk is a big deal with current itemization/AA. Even full raid gear needs at least half that boost :/
  4. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

  5. YellowBelly Augur

    They need to unshrink the skellys from that shard. Doesn't Prathun lurk these posts? Hey Prat can you change them back to normal? Please.
  6. Orbital101 Augur

    Should Add one for AC
    Frosty Gem of Enhanced Protection> LDoN Raid: Miragul's Menagerie: Frozen Nightmare
    Bloodstone of Enhanced Protection > Mistmoore Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury
    Glowing Gem of Enhanced Protection > LDoN Raid: Deepest Guk: The Rescue
  7. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    According to the listings, these are not Type 3 but Type 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

    Perhaps I should create a LDoN augmentations page if that is desired, then I could include them, as they are not Type 3 but are from LDoN.
  8. Orbital101 Augur

    No type 3 but type 5 and 9 would have given a alternative for most class but now no so much with or IF type 5 and 9 are fixed on server up. Question is will they keep them at is? We shall see in a few...
  9. TenkenTurtle Elder

    The attack and HP Regen augs don't seem to actually increase any stats. For example placing the Frozen Gem of Strength in any Type 3 slot in any Armor pieces I have that has an available type 3 slot, there is no change in my Attack or my HP Regen.
  10. Thancra Loladin

    You are probably capped in those stats, both atk and hp regen (amongst other stats) have a cap that will vary depending of your AAs for example. You can see where you are and what your cap is on magelo.
  11. Phrovo1 Augur

    those ac augs look great in the type 5s of shields!
  12. svann Augur

    I started collecting those atk augs but then I realized I was already capped. Still need to get more of the Hero's Fortitude AA's to raise atk cap, as Im only at 29/40. The ones I need still arent really moloable but are old content so Im going to need to find others that want to go back and do them.

    4x challenger of the call
    challenger of the dark seas
    anashti sul - decay and enslaver
    challenger of tbm
    3x hunter of eok
  13. Gnomereaper Augur

    That raid is imperiously petulant on dropping that augment, it'll take you a few trips for the Frosty Gem of Protection.