Lack of Communication from DBG lately?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pukkun, Oct 14, 2015.

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  1. Pukkun New Member

    I know you guys are pretty busy with the new expansion and the new no box server coming out soon, but it seems like the TLP forum has become a ghost town for any official communication. I dunno, maybe we were just spoiled from all the early attention we got, but this seems a little extreme.
    lockjaws likes this.
  2. Vaclav Augur

    You answered why - it's expected.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  3. sihpa Augur

    They've also undergone a move to another facility. I imagine they're still unpacking, watching the paint dry and other stuffs
    lockjaws likes this.
  4. Sinzz Augur

    god can you imagine moving and having to reset up a older office that has been around forever? i am betting the things they found would make for a interesting post all on its own !
  5. Lasek New Member

    Not a very good excuse. They've avoided tons of logical questions and concerns. They've also deleted threads asking about an early Kunark vote on Lockjaw after saying they'd re-visit it later. About to be done throwing money at these guys. New games and expacs around the corner and subs dropping daily.
    Tudadar and lockjaws like this.
  6. frankie78227 Augur

    They seem to have plenty of time to police the forums, just not to post on em. :)
    lockjaws likes this.
  7. Vlorg Augur

    They communicated more with TLP server in 5 month than they did in 3 years with live server... QQ much?

    subs dropping dailies on TLP server? Tell me something that wasn't 100% expected?
    Elricvonclief and Agrippa like this.
  8. -wycca Augur

    As said, they're moving on top of all the other stuff.

    TLP servers can wait!
  9. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    I'm sure if you had access to the beta forums you'd know why the devs aren't posting on the TLP forum.
  10. RadarX Augur

    As this seems a bit off topic, we're going to go ahead and close it. Please free to continue discussing any gameplay topic regarding TLP in the subforum or head over to the Veterans Lounge.
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