L 10 Magician At The Crossroads LFG

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Laffsalot, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Laffsalot Journeyman

    I am a new EQ player and have started on the Ragefire server.
    I have soloed my way to L 10. I have 60 platinum and my gear is just what has dropped so far.

    I started in Felwithe (sp?) and have been in the newbie zone since the beginning.

    I really had thought that I would be in groups but so far it just hasn't worked out that way. I have sent messages looking for groups, but so far everyone seems to be soloing.

    I have no idea what to do now.

    I would appreciate some guidance from this point. I want to be grouping with other people and just don't see me going much further alone. I could use some advice with the what, where and when ideas that will get me playing with other people my level. I'm reluctant to start looking for guild opportunities as I take that kind of a commitment seriously and don't feel like I'm ready yet for that. I have limited play time and much to learn.

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    Ragequiit L10 High Elf Magician
  2. Lemuelbaruch Elder

    what are your play hours. Im not on Ragefire no more but when i pop by i always see upwards of around 120+ ppl lfg alot of them were in your range. Do you know about the /LFG feature?
  3. Indigo Augur

  4. Weverley Augur

    Come to lockjaw the whole evening i saw people asking for members in crushbone. Perfect at your level.
  5. rosleck New Member

    Yesterday in the late afternoon I was whining in guild chat a bit about not finding a group. A guildie suggested building my own. I hate to say it never occurred to me....even after doing so for years on non progressions servers.

    I had a full group inside of 10 minutes and we had a great 2 hour grind.

    Like suggested above use LFG and don't be afraid to build your own group.
  6. bobjones1208 Augur

    Crushbone and Unrest are popular around your level for where you are currently situated. Shouldn't have too much trouble getting a group as a mage.