Krono falling fast

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Labelme, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Labelme Journeyman

    ive seen many transactions today in chat where people are buying and selling krono for around 800 - 900p

    its a great time to get in on these prices
  2. Indigo Augur

    There has been an effort by some to raise the price of kronos, as in WTB Krono 1300pp. But then when you send them a tell trying to sell to them, they always seem to ignore you.
  3. Rhodz Augur

    And yet the krono isnt plat selling...
  4. Myth Elder

    down?im seeing it for 1500 atm
  5. Indigo Augur

    Of course it is. That's the entire point of kronos.
  6. Porygon Augur

    That's funny, I've sold over 30 kronos in the last week or so at 1100-1400 a piece.

    I think what is actually happening is people are trying to tank the price with threads like these and comments on how people aren't selling at certain prices.
  7. Agrippa Augur

    That's odd. I know a guy that says his sister's friend bought eighty at 500p per.
  8. Riou EQResource

    RIP like 2 weeks ago >.>
  9. vardune Augur

    $18 for 500 plat. Wow. Just wow.
    Labelme likes this.
  10. Lennyn Elder

    I know right? Even 1200 plat for $18 is ridiculous.
    Labelme likes this.
  11. Rauven Augur

    Krono's aren't worth $18. They cost 18 bucks to 'create' one. But you will never be able to get $18 worth of anything out of them. They depreciate as soon as they are 'created'.

    Its like people think that the 6 boxers are crazy for spending 90 a month. They aren't. They are buying 6 Krono a month with plat.

    What's going on is the plat to plat value between servers. If a krono is worth 1.7 million on FV and 1700 on Ragefire, than 1000 FV plat is equal to 1 RF plat. That's how it works. And that market fluctuates quite a bit.

    If you're buying a Krono from Daybreak, the best time to sell it is when the variance is low. Such as when people are buying at 1000 and selling at 1200. The worst time is when the variance is high, such as 500-900. The reason for this is because the demand is lower and there's just a bit too much in the market at that moment. Give it a few days and it will start jumping up.

    This happens in monthly cycles after said server opened (for TLP). This is also why prices drop, the monthly fee was due a few days ago. So people who needed it got it and paid up. Kronos are in low demand right now, but will see the demand go back up in 3 weeks.

    I predict Kronos going for 2500 in three weeks. We'll see if I'm off the mark. Course.. the Kunark vote thing is going to seriously skew that prediction.
    Batbener, Barlow and Ducreux like this.
  12. Porygon Augur

    Mature response. I give you first hand information, you give me second hand bs. This is entirely what's wrong with these forums. Too many wannabe trolls.
  13. Liquid Augur

    Kronos is going up. It's the one thing that is obvious while watching the auction channel. Skilling up bind wound, so sadly have had a lot of time to observe this.
  14. RainbowTest Augur

    The krono isn't falling at all and is steadily increasing as the plat gains improve on the servers. The OP is a new account its probably the same guy whose been logging in level 1's on lockjaw offering to sell Kronos for pennies and then poofing before he could do anything, he got away with it a few times but we are not morons and we all started discussing his random names and making a note that nobody had gotten in on his fake deals.
  15. Necromonious Augur

    Yup this is what it's all about, it's about the relative value of plat on your server, usually a good indicator of how much total plat is on your server. Kronos going for 1.7m on FV sounds like a lot, but 1m on FV isn't much plat. It's pretty common for me to get tips in the 100k-200k range on FV just for a 15 min PL ;)
  16. Zarakii Augur

    sold 3 today on ragefire for 4k just glad i didnt get screwed over was my first time on ragefire lol
  17. Numiko Augur

    Krono sound like they would be good investments, buy now for 1000p or so, wait a couple years and sell for 1.7 million! .. good return on investment there ;)
    Batbener likes this.
  18. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    ppl just trying to lower the prices with kronos from third partys.. You wouldn't see items selling for multiple kronos if it wasn't for the third party kronos tainting the market.. its a huge problem imo..
  19. Labelme Journeyman

    Well at least 2 people understand the sarcasm in my post
  20. Jaime Lannister Augur

    Price or Krono is going to continue to rise forever. Just how it is.

    This is why people drop all their plat on it now. Plat loses value over time, krono really doesnt.

    The krono you buy for 1k now, you can sell for 10x that by PoP.