King of the Beasts Raid from VoA Coin Issue

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Cragzop, Oct 3, 2021.

  1. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Characters that are in the dz and in the raid before the event has started are not receiving coin after zoning into the instance once the King of the Beasts mob is dead but before the chest is open.

    Before the changes to automatically distribute coin, you would receive coin on your cursor after zoning into the instance once KotB was dead (regardless of chest open status). But since the changes, no one receives coin in this instance unless they were actually in the zone at the kill.

    I did notice that unlike most raids where there is a You receive a small reward for your deeds.message, the only message you get is You receive 40 diamond coin on the toons that actually get coin.

    Possible that since VoA was the first expansion with modern raid coin distribution (I think TBS had object that you broke for coin) that there's something in the code different than other expansions. Haven't had this issue for other expansions.

    Thanks for taking a look.
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Make sure the people zoning in are standing next to the chest, I recall a bunch of folks not getting coins from this unless they stood by the chest - and if the chest is emptied or even if anything is handed out or looted from it before they zoned in they got nothing anyway.

    That said this (raid coin awards) is one of those things in EQ that has been terribly inconsistent, and many events had issues around coin awards, perhaps the changes that put these directly into your coin storage applying to all events will aid consistency.

    As far as getting coin when zoning in after an event has been beaten I think that this is an area a dev needs to come out and explain the intended behaviour, getting any coin post boss defeat when you were never in the zone participating might not have been intended at all.
    Personally I think anyone getting coins should be in the instance participating and characters outside not helping should not get coins as they did not contribute in any part in the event.

    I know EQ's engine can't do this but a "participation" bonus for activity should be a part of coin awards imho.

    And at the very least no raid should award more than a total of 54 characters any coins. If your raid force is larger than that you will need to rotate players or split raid.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    The problem with this is having taken part and are waiting on a rez/call/etc. There is already a know issue that if you are zoning you don't get the coins/flags.