Kinda New Player

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by JIMTHECLAY, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. JIMTHECLAY New Member

    Hey! I tried to get into Everquest about a year ago but just couldn't get into it by myself. So what I was wondering was if there was a group of people or a guild or something that would be able to help me get into the game as I really would like to?
    Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Roxxanna Augur
  3. fsadgsfasdfag New Member

    Welcome, there are lots of guilds who love to accept and nurture new and returning players. Just check the guild recruitment forums. Roxanna has already linked to The Eternal Darkness's thread. They are probably the premiere guild for people like you. Best of luck!
  4. Anhari Augur

    Yep, what fsadgsgasdfag said. (Now that names a handful!)
  5. De1st New Member

    I Am new player too
    Is that game free to play
    I want be sure before I download it
  6. JacklSK Augur

    It's free to play long enough and with enough content to let you know if you want to pay to get full access.
    One can also make funds in-game and buy 30 days of all access by using a Krono.
  7. Anhari Augur

    [QUOTE]One can also make funds in-game and buy 30 days of all access by using a Krono.[/QUOTE]
    You gotta be a dedicated player/platinum farmer to do this. They sell anywhere from 700K to over 1M each. I have yet to accumulate enough plat during normal play, but I have never gotten a toon over 85th level yet.
  8. JacklSK Augur

    Oh I never said it was *easy* to do it, just that one could