/kickp raid

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Allayna, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. Allayna Augur

    {Guild tool "Invite all to raid" option used to mass invite}
    [Tue Dec 12 20:04:22 2023] You formed a raid.
    [Tue Dec 12 20:07:45 2023] You gained raid experience!
    [Tue Dec 12 20:08:21 2023] Your raid was disbanded. {Raid was kicked using the command /kickp raid}
    [Tue Dec 12 20:08:32 2023] You gain party experience!
    [Tue Dec 12 20:27:28 2023] You formed a raid. {Someone joined an errant RI that repopped upon them zoning}
    {Guild tool "Invite all to raid" option used to mass invite}
    [Tue Dec 12 21:07:43 2023] You formed a raid.
    [Tue Dec 12 21:09:25 2023] You gained raid experience!
    [Tue Dec 12 21:10:17 2023] Your raid was disbanded. {Raid was kicked using the command /kickp raid}
    [Tue Dec 12 21:10:25 2023] You gain party experience!
    [Tue Dec 12 21:14:34 2023] You formed a raid.
    [Tue Dec 12 21:14:34 2023] Your raid was disbanded. {Raid was kicked using the command /kickp raid}
    [Tue Dec 12 21:16:41 2023] You formed a raid. {Someone joined an errant RI that repopped upon them zoning}

    So this is still an issue of RIs lingering or "refreshing" for people when they zone if they don't decline them. Previously reported and closed as unable to reproduce. Please take another look.
    Velisaris_MS and Cadira like this.