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Keep Krono Tradabpe but...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tribbious, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. Tribbious Lorekeeper

    Have it claimed to a specific server like we do with other items.
  2. Tribbious Lorekeeper

    Be helpful if I could spell...
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That would defeat the purpose of krono being tied to your account in the first place.
    Erekai and code-zero like this.
  4. Tribbious Lorekeeper

    Once you claim it, it's still tradable, but only on the server you claim it.

    How would it defeat the purpose? It would still be tied to your account.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Except the point is to make them available for all servers and all games and you don't actually "claim" it until you use it. Not to mention it would make tracking krono a lot more complicated as you now have to know which ones are available on any game/server and which ones are not.
  6. Tulisin_Dragonflame Augur

    I agree this would significantly reduce the overall utility of the krono in its ability to port wealth across servers, etc.

    A somewhat happier middle ground might be making it easy to pull krono out of your "account bank" (IE, when you drop the item into your inventory), but more difficult to put back in. For example, a rate-limit 1 krono per day can be "banked" back into your overall shared account pool.

    This would preserve most of the current utility of the krono for most of the population, but hinder the mass transportation of kronos off of a given server or game by a few individuals.

    Edit: We don't really want to stop the person who farms spider silk on TLPs then trades it for a krono or two to keep their accounts running, but we do want to inhibit (for example) someone buying every krono for sale on Oakwynd, taking them all to another game, and selling them for a different currency all in the space of a few hours.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That would just make it a pain for people who sell high value items for multiple krono and just delay how long it takes to do things.
  8. code-zero Augur

    Krono are working exactly as intended. What OP perceives to be a problem is in fact their key feature. Krono are just fine as they are
    ForumBoss, Tuco and twoolley1 like this.
  9. tanksfornothin New Member

    Oh no, they might have to sell for plat instead? The horror!
  10. Tulisin_Dragonflame Augur

    Would 5 krono a day be more reasonable for a rate limit?

    The intent has less to do with inhibiting cross server/game trade and more to do with insulating the krono as an overall currency from being affected by individual game economies and the bugs therein. Essentially decoupling each environment's economy so it isn't instantly shaken by ripples elsewhere.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And when the person they are selling to doesn't have that much plat it doesn't do them any good. Or when they are selling a tradeable claim item on another server doing it in plat doesn't help them at all.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I don't see that a rate limit will solve any problem at best it would just slow things down and at worst it would just cause problems for people in general.
  13. Nuttmeg Augur

    Disagree. The suggestion is less disgusting than the, "pay for 3 months of my game time for this item I farmed," mentality.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Making it harder to reclaim krono that you traded for isn't going to solve any of the issues with people moving krono across servers/games, at best it will just slow it down.
  15. tanksfornothin New Member

    Making krono non tradeable seems like the way to go, but that would kill off some real money farmers. It would be a boon to the game, at a net loss of accounts.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    As krono cost more then a subscription to the game there would be no reason to ever buy them again if they became no trade.
  17. tanksfornothin New Member

    Fair enough, but there are major issues that effect gameplay surrounding them.
  18. code-zero Augur

    Again, Krono are performing exactly as they were intended to. What you believe to be a "gameplay" problem is what is desired for the use of Krono. The fact that you don't like it doesn't make it a problem at all.
  19. Defenestrated Vase Augur

    He is aware that they are performing exactly as they were intended to, but he and others don't like it. That fact that you disagree with him doesn't make it less of a problem for them.

    Krono transfer off-server should indeed be rate limited in my opinion.
  20. Vixle New Member

    Just make a server with no krono... no able to use or transfer... just plan O camping and selling for plat

    remember what drew you to the game 25 years ago ? if people want a easy fix go play WoW , I know this dont apply to everyone but never know