ISboxing is out of control

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by EQ_Scotty, May 24, 2015.

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  1. EQ_Scotty Journeyman

    They really need to start nailing these people; I just walked by the ORC camps in the commonlands and all three camps were being ISboxed by groups of mages. What is happening?
  2. Templeton Augur

    In before the "boxing is classic" people.

    Because, yeah, the main thing I remember about '99 was the 6 man mage teams locking down the server.
  3. AlmarsGuides Augur

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  4. Kalipto Augur

    Yeah, it's pretty annoying. Supposed to be playing a social game - these isboxing cheaters sort of screw that aspect up. Taking camps that valid groups would otherwise enjoy. Not to mention the fact that they're using 3rd party programs to control their characters.

    Apparently that's not against the rules anymore. Though if you report them a GM will come send tells to the 5 boxes and if they dont respond they'll get suspended for a few days.
    Tamier and complexication like this.
  5. Zong Journeyman

    Why not beat them at their own game? You and your social friends all make mages and go around KSing all the box crews. Ps after the main dies and you have to click over to each one of your slaves it makes the process much more difficult.

    My real point is posting on the forums will not help fix this. They will never banned boxing or [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] officially. So control the things you can control and stop worrying about the things you can't and start having some fun!
  6. Ragefire Mage New Member

    can you show me where the devs said using [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] is illegal????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Kaenneth, Ferry-Tunare and Warpeace like this.
  7. Malgor New Member

    You guys all know you can /pick a different instance of the newbie areas right?
    Kaenneth and Xanadas like this.
  8. Norathorr Augur

    I would suggest to a helpful way to play on a server where isbox and boxing in general is illegal and mages are not OP! I play on one and it's great! I group with 5 different people every time I log in when I am lfg.
  9. Myth Elder

    the devs have said many times over the years that using programs to automate actions is a no no
  10. Draekon Elder

    i think we're ignoring the fact where he said "group of mages." mages are pretty OP right now, so kind of leads people to box full groups of mages.
  11. Heilena Augur

    You want a fix, then get them to nerf pets. They have Live pet versions and spells. Those 18 nuke casters that did vox/naggy used pet tanks. Its not that boxers are bad, its that they are abusing the OVERPOWERED pets because 1 key you can send 6 pets and be done. For that matter at this point you could simply use prox agro with mage pets in camp sand they would kill the mobs before you died if you had 6 of them.
    complexication likes this.
  12. Tronk Augur

    Who cares? So it's some people playing as a group, or one person boxing (using tab between windows), or boxing using [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software]? No difference at all. It's their play time, you should get over it and move on.

    It is your greed and selfishness that demands that everyone else get out of your way. Well, tough luck.
    SevrinSevendust, Genoane and Kaenneth like this.
  13. Theramor-GoV New Member

    Seriously people....boxing **is** a problem.

    When there are queues for real players yet there are people with multiple accounts just KS'ing and running over players, you have a serious issue here.

    ...yet since Daybreak was bought by a Hedge Fund they really don't care about the players anymore, unless they are paying ones and they're paying for those six-boxing accounts. You know that it's all about money after all, right? Six accounts at $15 a pop?? You bet Daybreak and their new Masters are just laughing their way to the bank....

  14. Healiez Augur

    IS boxer is not botting. IS boxer does not control you characters for you.

    [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] simply assigns keystrokes to windows that are not in the foreground.

    It is still 1 keystroke for one action.
    SevrinSevendust likes this.
  15. jordune Augur

  16. Teren_Kanan Elder

    All these threads keep mentioning like.. how the gms' need to start nailing this guys etc.

    But they aren't, because it's not illegal.

    People here don't realize they are a very angry vocal minority, and do not represent the majority of the server. neither do the Boxes. The vast majority of the server are just fine.

    The people here are the bronze people in League of Legends who think they are bronze only because of teammates.
  17. Kellaer Augur

  18. Templeton Augur

    The only people that don't think boxing is a problem right now are, frankly, the sociopaths doing it (even when they start a post defending with, "I don't box, but...").

    You have given these people their play space at our expense DBG, now is time for a second TLP server with an enforced no box policy to give us ours.

    And nerf mage pets while you are setting it up.

    Base a decision on a quality customer experience for the majority for once.
  19. Healiez Augur

    Comparing boxers to sociopaths is one of the biggest stretches that has been made on these forums in a while
    Lekkric18 and Tronk like this.
  20. Tronk Augur

    It's so easy for people to blame one group, when they have nothing at all to do with lack of content. Lack of content has a lot more to do with it.

    If there were instances for all zones, or we had Kunark and Velious to go to there would be space for all play styles.

    But, people stopped using their common sense a while ago.
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