Is there an xp bug?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Xinge, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. Soulbanshee Augur

    New: N = MAX(SKU)
    Old: N < MAX(SKU)

    It's not patched, its scripted at unlocks.
  2. blood & gufts Augur

    but should depend on how to define old vs new content, depend on what level your char is ?
  3. Gialana Augur

    If your character is a higher level than what was the maximum level when the zone was released, you get an experience penalty. For instance, the maximum level when EoK was released was level 105, so if you are level 106 or higher, you will have an experience penalty in any EoK or earlier zone.

    If your whole group is higher, the person who first aggros an npc will get more experience than the rest of the group, but it's not 100% more. If some characters in the group aren't overlevelled for the zone and some are, the lower level characters won't have a regular experience penalty. I'm not sure about AA exp. When I tested this, I did not have the puller flag set.
  4. Cardozo Journeyman

    that seems weird, and contrary to exploring EQ as you level up. Is that an effort to promote players to buy/spend time in the new expac's? Or is this a means to try to prevent PL'ing lower level's in your grp?

    My guys are lvl 50 (just rejoined live), so I would be good anywhere? But once I get 60, going to anything in classic, or get to 65 where anything under PoP, would result in exp penalty?

    How big is this exp penalty, something to worry about or negligible?
  5. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    The experience penaltys were removed, but im pretty sure the bonuses remain. Halfling, Rogue, Warrior....more? get xp bonus. Not much, definatly not enough to make it this large of a gap
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    That's exactly what it is. It's a forced migration mechanic to get people to buy/play in newer expansions, as opposed to just grinding out xp/AA in stupidly easy content because you've outleveled it.
  7. Gialana Augur

    It's to encourage players to move on to a newer expansion when they've outlevelled an older expansion. I don't think it starts until Rain of Fear. So once you reach level 101, there will be an experience penalty in Rain of Fear and Call of the Forsaken zones, but not in TDS and higher zones until level 106.

    I don't think it's a large penalty. For me, it seemed like I could get a comparable amount of experience per hour killing more lower level, lower health npcs in ToV (max level 110) when I was level 116/117 than I could by killing fewer higher level, higher health npcs in ToL.

    This also doesn't have to do with Power levelling lower level characters because they won't have an experience penalty in the group as long as they are lower level than the max level when the content was released.
  8. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Are you sure you arent mixing things up? Its been often reported that the puller gets more not less xp.
  9. Illdara New Member

    Yeah this is one of my three accounts. I got the bard to 115 sloshing through yellows and red cons giving the bard less than .200% xp while the other two toons are getting double. I was able to keep the bard close by going full AA with the other two while the bard is still fully XP set. They are both well over 16k AA each at this point and nearly lvl118.

    If that were the case though I'd have two toons getting half xp. Not just the one. I pull with slow on my BST and have my mages air pet intercept as i get it into camp. The i sick my warder onto it then my bst. Then I move my bard to it from behind with auto-attack and songs on.

    Can't believe how frustrating this is. Would be nice if DBG would have a tech look into my bards account and see if there is something there thats off considering XP is a pretty BIG deal when leveling and AA grinding. And yeah, it gets half the AA xp as well...
  10. Illdara New Member

    My puller gets the same amount of XP as the next toon to hit the target. I also tried with my bard pulling to rule this bug out and it still only gets half the xp.
  11. Skecpa Journeyman

    Are the other 2 accounts RAF to each other? That would explain them getting 2x the XP. There's a permanent 100% XP bonus when grouped and same level as the recruiter for both characters. If the Recruiter is higher level the recruit gets 400% XP.
  12. Illdara New Member

    No RAF, and is that even a thing still? I thought RAF was axed like 10 years ago.
  13. Skecpa Journeyman

    There are no more new ones, active subs still have it as long as you don't let the account lapse. They also disable it on TLPs.
  14. MmmmBop Wise Troll

    Is it possible 2 of your accounts are wrongfully flagged for the RAF bonus? That would explain two toons getting double the exp of your other one.

    Maybe test by grouping with some other people who have the same levels and settings and see how their exp moves in comparison to yours.