Is there a haste cap for low level characters?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Balthozzar, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Balthozzar Elder

    I started a new mage a little over a week ago, and I gave him a Tolapumj's Robe (36% item haste). But he is displaying in my stats window as only showing a 10% boost to his attack speed. That is, his attack speed shows as 110% instead of 136% like I would expect.

    Also, when I cast celerity on him with my lvl 85 enchanter, his attack speed did go up to 136%, but I think that was entirely due to the spell, as removing the jumpy robe didn't change it. The attack speed also went up as he gained levels, up to 141% when my mage hit lvl 16.

    So, like the subject line says, is there some kind of haste cap for low level toons that I don't remember?
  2. Cainen Augur

    There is a haste cap for lower level characters. It raises as you level and caps at 175%ish at level 50 and 225%(with Bard) at level 60.
  3. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Worn haste is capped at 10% up to and including level 25, after that it is not capped. Buffs are not capped beyond certain spells not landing on lower level toons as far as I know. Unless they did something that scales buffs recently.