Is Selo's so bad.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Silver-Crow, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. Silver-Crow Augur

    There seems to be lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth when it comes to discussing Selo's ruleset.

    After thinking about this alot, this server is both hardcore and casual.

    to explain.
    The hardcore raiders have to make the most of the reduced lockouts to complete progression and get enough gear in era to be ready for the next expac. This means that they have to raid much more frequently, but never quite get comfortable/bored with content as they only have 1 month to do the job if they're truly 'hard core' and MUST complete stuff in era.

    The Casual mob will quite happily consume the group content and gear up at their own rate. 1 month is usually sufficient to get the levels you need for the next xpac, and with AA autogrant, you're always still relevant and don't get 'left behind'. Raid gear is pretty irrelevant unless your raiding and has a pretty short shelf life anyway. The group stuff should drop like candy anyway with the increased spawn rates of named mobs, so keeping up on group gear is just fine.

    of course true casual players don't have a bee in their bonnet about completing raids in era, so there's plenty of scope for casual guilds doing raids out of era so win/win.

    For me the 2 groups can easily co-exist especially with picks and AOC's and it should mean that it should hit live with a fairly healthy population, at which point raiding becomes more relevant.
  2. Evade2019 Lorekeeper

    As a casual player I can tell you I have zero interest in Selo which was designed specifically for my play style. By that measure it completely missed the mark. Enjoy your hardcore server. It’ll be dead in a couple months
  3. Shakara Augur

    People literally have said that about every server except Agnarr as far as I can remember and every TLP has done just fine
  4. Kahna Augur

    So, we are going back to the whole "Casuals don't raid" thing? Cause that worked out so well.
  5. Silver-Crow Augur

  6. Sethiroth Augur

    Short answer: yes. This server is not fit for purpose.
  7. Magic Augur

    Some casual love to raid, but many raids in different expansions require pre-quest/keying/progression done etc.

    I cant imagine casual player what raiding VT / Emp in Luclin before PoP open on Selo.

    Remove all keying for server with 1 month unlock and maybe you will see some casual on raid, but still not many i think.