Is Mages spell Remorseless Servant now useless?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ruven_BB, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Ruven_BB Augur

    I have an alt mage, by no means and expert at the class, novice at best, but after the patch, I'm getting one to two rounds before this pet get wasted due to drawing almost instant agro.

    Is there any point to having this spell mem'd now?

  2. Cicelee Augur


    *edit* Response is with regards to thread title. The response to "Is there any point to having the spell memorized now?" is "Yes".
  3. Tweelis Augur

    IIRC the spell was initially meant as a means of escape for mages. Way back in the day necro's had FD, wizards have evac and chanters had mezz. We were the one caster that didn't have an "oh ****" ability to escape a bad situation. Mages of course complained and the dev's gave us the gargoyle.

    Over time mages found out the gargoyle was a dps beast. Many of us focused our attention on the gargoyle's dps. We also asked the dev's for tools to help this line of thinking. We received gear and aa's to assist us in this endeavor. Up until last week the gargoyle was a dps type spell.

    It kinda sounds like the gargoyle is now working as it was origionally intended to work....something of a group/solo get out of jail free ability. If this is in fact intended I'm guessing the dev's have something else in mind for us regarding our playability (for solo, group and raids) and we just need to collectively figure out what that role is. If this is unintended then we need to come up with solutions to "fix" our class and ask the dev's to throw us some kind of bone.
  4. Sancus Augur

    So basically RS pets are now working with a PC tank the way they work when you have a pet tank? Seems like a bit of an overreaction tbh.