Is it worth starting a new character on Phinny?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Nizumzen, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. Nizumzen Journeyman

    I'm thinking about coming back to EverQuest for a bit and was wondering what it was like to level a new character up on Phinny at the moment? Are there plenty of XP groups going that I can join or have I missed the boat?

    Just wondering what the current situation is on the server? I don't want to pay for a months membership and realise that I can't level my characters because no one is doing XP groups at low levels.
  2. Mwapo Augur

    Plenty of people leveling beastlords right now, I'd imagine.
  3. Rumlebrag Elder

    very lively at low levels and other classes then bst is often sought after for groups, but give it a month then low level will be quiet again.
  4. Arclan Elder

    You should try and see. I've been back about a month; and my experience has been excellent. Quite a number of people started characters at that time; old timers coming back from the game, so there was always someone to group with. I'm not sure if that's the case today, since I'm not in those zones. Give it a try.
  5. Arclan Elder

    I started the third day of a double xp weekend. I had about twelve hours of double xp; and numerous people started that same day. So the folks I met were not the double xp weekend folks; as those characters started Friday and would have been higher level by Monday, when I started.
  6. Nizumzen Journeyman

    Cool :). Thanks guys. I'll give it a shot and see how I get on. If the worst comes to the worst it is only £9 wasted.
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