Is Daybreak partial to boxers?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Freebirrd, Jun 24, 2015.

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  1. Freebirrd Journeyman

    Just a thought. but I think the game would be more enjoyable if there wasn't so many boxer groups on ragefire taking all the camps up. I know people pay for all those accounts separately, however, they are hogging everything up taking all the camps, looting ALL the loot. and just making it no fun. And these afk mages all over the place have to be stopped. please stop the boxers.
  2. Jezzie Augur

    In before lock
  3. itstrucktwice New Member

    Of course they are. They get more money, and whether people want to admit or not, boxing is part of the reason Everquest still exists today.
  4. Hateseeker Augur

    Why not sell mercs that can fill a group up to 5? That would have also reduced the population to fit everyone on Ragefire.
  5. Willy Willers Lorekeeper

    Get a group, 6 real people can always beat 1 guy playing 6 toons, problem solved.

    You're welcome.
  6. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    12 wizards cannot win a DPS race against 6 mages.
  7. Hendar2 Augur

    An anti-boxing thread? What a novel idea!
    Nolrog and Nenake like this.
  8. Steampunk Augur

    Ummm, no.
  9. Steampunk Augur

    Why not just play on a regular live server?
  10. Hateseeker Augur

    Did I actually say anything to lead you to believe I personally wanted the mercs? I mentioned it because clearly Daybreak intends players to have the power of a full group in one player, and mercs would be a solution that doesn't take up 6 population slots while giving them full revenue.

    Also, you can't have 5 mercs on regular live servers (and yes I mean per character).
    Rhiyannon and Fallfyres like this.
  11. Rauven Augur

    I don't think they are partial to boxers. They would have given them their own content otherwise. Or even given an option to login multiple characters at once from the same account for a fee.

    But the reason they aren't going to get rid of boxing or even take a harsher stance on some aspects of it is because its Pandora's box. It was opened so long ago that it cannot be closed now.

    Here's the negatives for cracking down on boxing:

    1. You lose high dollar playerbase. Lets face it, those are extra accounts. A 6 boxer is $59.94 to 107.94 (depending if all access yearly plan to paying with kronos), per month.
    2. Bad publicity. After 16 years they crack down on it? That'd hit all the MMO news sites quick and it wouldn't look good that they just snubbed a ton of people. Who's next?
    3. You make groups harder to find on established servers. There's only so much a merc can do past 80.

    For what positives?

    1. Make a few people happy?

    Would we really get more people to come back playing to fill in the holes left behind? Not only to fill in the 1-5 accounts per boxer that they can't login anymore, but those groups, raids, and guild spots?

    They should have stopped it in 1999. Its too late now. It could potentially ruin the game financially, socially, and fundamentally. I'm not a pro-boxer by any means. But even I realize the detriment it would be to remove it.

    What they could do is open a new server with a box restriction. But I don't know how it'd be enforced. IP restrictions would suck as many play from the same household, dorm, or barracks.

    Or better yet, redesign some of the content (they are doing this with TLP raids) so that boxing them is a chore at best or even impossible, requiring actual real players to deal with the mechanics. Personally I think this option should be pursued. It just brings groups closer together, makes guilds more important, and gives us challenging content rather than tank and spank mechanics.
    Gimple, Rhiyannon and Steampunk like this.
  12. Zapsos Augur

    Then those are some incompetent wizards...
    Kolani likes this.
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