Invested Spiked Scale Whip

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ruven_BB, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    This is a really poorly designed weapon and I hope the error of it's creation isn't repeated. I'll elaborate. A potential "chase" item meant for one class is not a popular idea. The speed of this weapon with such an awful ratio would only ever be desired by a Ranger because of how our melee disc works in conjunction with Empowered Strikes. Given where Rangers are in this game, this weapon has exactly ZERO chance of ever being powered up even though it should be. Moreover, creating an offhand speed weapon is so ludicrous given that we miss with said off hand weapon about 40% of the time. Place a fire beetle eye in your main hand, turn on my misses and watch the miss spam. So many AA's only effect the main hand. Lastly, the proc is trash. It's HALF the power of the pet proc on Vander's Bane.

    At some point this summer I *may* ask for a Emblem to upgrade this whip. The only reason I would even consider it is speed could matter in the next expac. I would ask for Emblem for the Book of Obulous and Wurmslayer over the whip. I see more effectiveness at this time having the Wurmslayer to bando in when on root duty on raids - and that's just sad.

    So you all know, everything in this thread was brought up in beta and was not only ignored but the whip ratio was nerfed from where it should be. I hope this mistake and others in item development (belt focuses anyone?) is a learning experience to yield better decisions in the future. I'm being overly critical because I find the whole I'm the dev so deal with it attitude regarding itemization lately to be nauseating. Expect this kind of response if your game doesn't step it up a notch in regard to player concerns and quite frankly ignoring us when we call you out your inaccuracies. This would once again be partially in response to belt focuses as well as this whip. The weapon delay nerf for all melee dps classes but------BERSERKER-----shouldn't go unmentioned in poor item development. So tell me all, where are Berserkers again on parses? I wonder why! Let's give them 100% crit chance AND let them keep their weapons as they have been. Before you jump down my throat, I know. The higher damage, slower weapons can be more important to Berserker damage when discing. I got it. Given all that, asking this whip to upgraded is a reasonable ask but it'll never happen so I wonder why I even bother posting here.

    Believe it or not, I enjoy playing this game. My guild mates are amazing and I luff them. I wouldn't post this if I did not care. That is all.
    Tevik and Tryfan like this.
  2. Randragon Augur

    Jhenna was spot on with the assessment of the whip and other valid arguments.
    Tryfan likes this.
  3. segap Augur

    Even if they improve it, it will still be a Ranger item. Sure, bards could use, but no change will fix their dps. Rogues won't use 1hs and monks/beasts can't and wouldn't either. Would only be a toy for warriors considering their other options.

    To redeem this item, it not only needs either the damage value or proc improved, but also needs a convert button to switch between weapon types to include more classes that have been optimized/restricted around specific types.
    Jhenna_BB likes this.