
Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by RoguesOwn, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. RoguesOwn Lorekeeper

    Can't find any discussions about this but is everyone having issues with Instances i.e. Guild Halls old and new. Any word if they know about it and its getting fixed?
  2. Viper1 Augur

    What precisely is the issue(s)? Or are we meant to read your mind and it automagicly makes its way into a bug report?
  3. Coronay Augur

    No issues to report here.
  4. RoguesOwn Lorekeeper

    So since I logged in Friday at 10am PST I can not zone into GHalls or HA's. Hence why I was asking if anyone else was having any issues. I'm on AB, anyone from different servers having the same problems?

    Some people have been able to zone into hall but only because it was loaded up before, what I can assume, something went wrong with the instance server. This issue still persists at 3:14 am PST for me and more on the server.
  5. Izizizy New Member