Inspire Ally not landing on pet

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Orcen, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Orcen Elder

    Necro level 120 spell Inspire Ally, wont land on level 122 Necro Pet..
    I experimented some and cannot get it to land at all.
  2. Orcen Elder

    On a different level 122 Necro, Inspire Ally lands just fine. This one has EM27 enhamced minion and it landed fine. The other necro used a buff for EM25 enhanced minion, and it wont stick on pet at all.
    Both EM's are good on pets up to 125, but seems the EM level for the new 122 pet blocks Ispire Ally buff from landing.
    Otherwise everything seems the same?
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    You have Inspire Ally on the pet blocked buff list somehow.

    There is no way pet focus has any relation.

    Are you sure you aren't overlooking the icon? Do you need to expand the size of the pet window? Are there any messages being displayed?
  4. Orcen Elder

    Sorry, yah it was blocked, must have mistaking blocked it instead of Promised heal. My bad..
    Thanks, I should have realized that.,