Illusion: Vaniki - Old or new model?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by ZenMaster, May 25, 2022.

  1. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    Since the Mask of the Chetari is the new chetari model, will the Vaniki illusion be the old chetari model? The Vaniki illusion is now one of the rewards for reaching level 60 on the Vaniki Server.



    I am posting here since Live players may play on Vaniki for the cosmetics.

  2. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    Reward items, such as the illusion and weapon ornaments, are claimable on any server:

  3. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    What does this have to do with what the OP posted?
  4. Riou EQResource

    Original Ratman
    ZenMaster likes this.
  5. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    That IS the OP. :p
    Eteract and ZenMaster like this.
  6. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    Thank you.

    My fault. It was follow-up to cite the QA so readers of this post would receive correct information.
    Eteract likes this.