Iksar Warrior Pike quest

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Yova, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. Yova New Member

    Warrior Pike #6 (Champion's Mancatcher)

    The third may be found off A Goblin Messenger in the Frontier Mountains near the entrance to the Mines of Nurga.

    As far as I understand these messengers should drop the note everytime, however upon killing the goblin messenger in Frontier Mountains you get nothing. I've killed him a few times now, and no note drop; making it impossible to continue this quest line unless you want to skip to the final quest as I've read.
    I'm not the first instance of this issue as others have posted on Zam and Magello about this issue with the last post on zam being 2 years ago. So this issue has been going on for some time now.
  2. Xhartor Augur

    He doesn't start dropping the note until a later expansion.

    The 7th Pike quest doesn't require the #6 of any of the earlier pikes to be completed. As long as you have the Geozite Tool you can skip directly to mines of Nurga part of the 7th Pike quest. There is a long Allah comment that details the process.
