If killing moles over and over is faster xp than that is broken

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by forumwriter, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Caixaa Elder

    Wrong... people is doing new content after they got their desired level 105. How can someone say "NO ONE IS DOING..."
    If you want to level fast, do moles or whatever... what is wrong with it? if you don't care about leveling fast, then do progression or exp in new content. Why so much hate?
  2. Marshall Maathers Augur

    The other reason to do moles, beyond the fact that it is good exp, is because Sony already said they were going to nerf it soon.

    You culd do progression now and worry about exp later, or you could get the best exp while it lasts.
    Esero likes this.
  3. Garanle Elder

    Really hoping that this doesn't cause them to say: Okay we will nerf that too.
  4. Garshok Augur

    That seems to be the main marketing ploy for TDS right now - 'buy it now, before we nerf EXP outside of TDS even more.'
    silku likes this.
  5. Maedhros High King

    I wasnt going for dramatic effect or something.
    Was getting 2% a kill on yellow to 105 mobs with Me - cleric merc - Wizard friend - Wizard merc. 2% X 30 = 60% of 1AA
  6. Kollin Journeyman

    Moles > Hailing the same mob 15 times to get a task update...
    Mintalie and Silv like this.
  7. lagkills Slain by Fippy while guards stood and watched.

    Moles don't flag you for new zones to obtain new items. People were crying new expansion would obsolete the older one, so they fixed that; you quest in TDS to unlock new zones/item, you flip HA in old expansion if you're after experience.
    I didn't hear any horror stories about KSing in new zones, they spread the population nicely and avoided expansion cluster****.
  8. Pwnography Augur

    On the bright side, once you've made it through almost all of the progression, the xp in Combined Dredge is actually not too bad. :p
  9. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    I didn't think degmar exp was bad but the exp lost ratio in that zone are well..
  10. Caixaa Elder

    best post of the week
  11. Ratbo Peep Augur

    I gotta call a foul here. 10 yard penalty for "deliberately obtuse posting". :D
    It's bad that they nerfed pre-CotF XP - not pre-TDS.
    CotF EXP is still good / normal. TDS EXP is pretty horiffic.
    This drives people to EXP in CotF as opposed to playing in the new content.
  12. Laronk Augur

    I think xp in castle is pretty good
  13. Garshok Augur

    That could theoretically work. It may not be the 'best' solution, but could well be 'good enough.'

    The additional nerfs to HA mob experience foreshadowed in Phathom's 'sense heading' thread last week, however, may invalidate that model for those who haven't leveled by the time the nerf hammer hits again.

    It would be nice if we knew what direction the devs intended to go. I can pretty much rely on gravity working every day, knowing generally what sort of work will provide what sort of rewards as I transition from the military to the civilian sector.... It would be nice of EQ was predictable past the next patch on some of these issues.
  14. Mysl Augur

    My feeling is that right now, they are looking at the sale number of TDS. They cannot make any decision till the number comes in. The dev team cannot make decision, only the management team can, and the management team is looking at the number and their bonus.

    I am afraid we are going to see more nerfs.
  15. Laronk Augur

    Anyone who doesn't think this should be nerfed is living in a dream land. I don't see anything wrong with using it but you know it's not intentional. And I found that castle with a good group is better experience
  16. Abazzagorath Augur

    Did they actually say this somewhere? Might go PL a couple 4th string alts this weekend if that's the case, its more annoying to swarm feerott and I hate disrupting other people.
    silku likes this.
  17. Silv Augur

    People are overreaching and drawing conclusions. All they said is they are going to "re-evaluate" each HA and possibly retune so that the rewards match the difficulty. With that logic, it still wouldn't affect the moles part of the mission whatsoever... :rolleyes:

    The "damage" is already done. Anyone who wants to use moles to roflstomp to Lv 105 will have it done before it potentially gets nerfed.

    Why are we still talking about ridiculous xp anyway? Expansion has been out a week. Let's move the complain-train full force to Rk. 2 spell drops in TDS.
  18. Marshall Maathers Augur

    I admit that it takes some slight reading between the lines, but when Phathom says (in the OP of the update post in Sense Heading):

    (I added the emphasis)

    You can imagine that the mobs themselves will give less exp than they did before, if they move it to the end. I hope it isn't too far of a leap to see that the moles (and chaining DH, or any HA without completion) will be in a nerfed state.
  19. Lottascatta Journeyman

    If they nerf the xp of HA mobs and move the xp to the completion of the HA that's fine with me as long as the lockouts are removed. Otherwise:

    It will all but guarantee that I will never buy the TDS expac for my alt accounts (7).
  20. Kathylynn_Unity Augur

    If people like killing moles over and over and over I guess go for it. I'd find it a bit silly, but that's just me. I tend to think as I play I am writing the story of my character, and I really don't need five consecutive chapters on killing weak moles as part of my legacy.

    I am pretty sure it isn't the best way to exp, nor would it even be in the top ten for me. People usually just jump on a bandwagon and then everyone follows which is why so many are there. The one nice thing about that is it means I don't have competition in the places that are even better and can keep those to myself.
    Roxxanna likes this.