Ideas for Shaman

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Belkar_OotS, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Belkar_OotS Augur

    Well I have played a shaman for about 6 years now, and I really love the class. Such a good variety of things we can do and accomplish and ways for us to be useful.

    However, I do feel that there are areas where we can see improvements, particularly in our personal damage output.

    Since asking for DOT improvements only seem to help us with soloing I think focusing on DD will be more beneficial for us as a class to lobby for improvements. I would like to be more worthwhile while filling the utility/dps role in groups for those times I am with another healer or doing lower end content. (I would like to see our DOTS improved also, but since I can't really use them on raids or groups, I want to go for something).

    I would love for shaman to get Twincast the spell, Improved Twincast AA a prolonged destruction style AA also to focus our damage. I could also go for another large damage long recast nuke to add to our line up. I don't even care if we don't get up to druid level DPS, but I would like for me going "all out" for DPS to actually mean I have some ways to meaningfully improve my DPS and put up reasonable numbers. We only get a couple AA to reduce resist chances (focus of Arcanum and Pathosis) and First Spire for dots, so its not like we have tons of things going for us in our DPS department.
    Corlen-Xeg likes this.
  2. code-zero Augur

    Yeah and while they are at it they should give Bards backstab since they need more DPS too and they are sort of like Rogues.

    Shaman are plenty powerful as is. If you're worried about personal DPS then play something else
  3. Feradach Augur

    I agree with code-zero. We don't need a DPS boost. I'll never turn down ADPS bumps, but could care less about my personal DPS.
  4. Sipho New Member

    Leave our dots and nukes alone. Shaman are in a good spot right now. If anything raise the proc damge on the panther line.
  5. Coruth Augur

    My only real gripe is Talisman of Snow Leopard takes too long to cast, for the amount of DPS it does for its duration.

    Fix any 1 of the 3 aspects and Id be happy.
  6. Snowman Augur

    who are you people - leave our dps alone - are you the guys who asked for the pet buff to be equal to celerity and unity on the pet you guys get we are asking for more personal dps for the group game -
    Corlen-Xeg likes this.
  7. Khoza Augur

    Don't those conflict?

    I honestly don't think anyone asked for that. We asked the devs to throw Kenny a bone, and the one they threw him was already chewed on.
  8. porky Augur

    I think it should be an aura. That would put it on equal footing as the MR type auras, and while you would still have to recast it every 5mins in group its better than what you have now.
  9. Snowman Augur

    I was asking who are you shaman telling soe to leave our dps alone --- /sigh
    Corlen-Xeg likes this.
  10. Khoza Augur

    Ah, that makes more sense, then.

    (But your punctuation is weak.)
  11. Cone head Augur

    The thing I would like to see that has been mentioned is the panther line and the reduction of the front end cast time.

    In its current form its all but a waist of space for me. Maybe an AA line to get it down to a 1 second cast time?

    Other that that no need to make any other change to the shammy.
  12. Mykaylla Augur

    An AA line wouldn't work- they're limited to a maximum reduction of 50% on the cast time, which you can already achieve with Quick Buff.
    In order to reduce the cast time of Panther, you need to talk to Aristo, *not* Elidroth (Aristo is spells, Elidroth is AAs), about changing the Base Cast Time on the line- or at least the current, or next iteration in the line. Unless he makes it a 1 second cast time or lower, you're better off with a base cast time of 3 seconds, due to the fact that at 3 seconds, gear and AAs will hasten it, but below that will not benefit.
  13. Corlen-Xeg Elder

    Mykaylla no player should ever have to care about the details like that. All we want is a reduced cast time on the panther line. Its a rather simple request for a spell line that is underpowered as is.
  14. Tarrin Augur

    Knowing the details like that makes it easier to frame the correct request to the correct person in order to achieve the results you want.
    Mykaylla likes this.
  15. Sipho New Member

    I cant understand why everyone is so stuck on getting the cast time of Snow Leapord lowered. I cast it to land when the puller gets to camp with the target so the cast time is irrelevant.

    I am more concerned with the proc damage. It is almost not even worth casting at this point, it hasnt scaled well over time at all. We could have the damage per proc tripled and it still would not hit harder then some normal melle swings or be gamebreaking.
  16. Cone head Augur

    Forgot about the AA limitation, so a change in the spell to like a 3 sec cast time to take advantage of the AA and gear.

    Yes, the damage it low but its almost zero agro to the caster. Add 4 to 5 pets in the mix and its slightly better than useless. :p
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Personal DPS is nice for when a shaman wants to solo.