Icons being left when moving items in bags

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Yolan, May 17, 2023.

  1. Yolan Lorekeeper

    When moving icons from my bags its leaving the icon/partial icons behind. With an item on my cursor I can move it to the right of my screen and it disappears from my cursor as if going behind an invisible wall.

    sevensages, Yinla and Nennius like this.
  2. Yolan Lorekeeper

    Bump because its annoying.
  3. EU Player New Member

  4. sevensages New Member

    Had this happening after i scaled the inventory window anything moved from an inventory slot or main bag slot into a bag would leave trails across the screen mostly saw it swaping powersources
  5. Yolan Lorekeeper

    Sorry for another bump. Hoping this won't get buried. The icons tend to block my other UI elements (like group health) when they bug.