I was promised less people

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hexaholic, May 25, 2015.

  1. Hexaholic Augur

    I was told that after the holiday weekend, there would be less que time. Yet here we are, no longer the holiday, 1 in the morning, still hour long que time. What do I do in the mean time?
    Quillar likes this.
  2. Teren_Kanan Elder

    Splitting hairs I think. It's still the holiday.

    Not everyone is on est time, and people stay up late.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  3. Tachya Elder

    It's 10 pm on the west coast, oh did you know DayBreak is located in San Diego, on the west coast?

    I hate the queue as much as you but this is just dumb. If you're going to play online games then please learn that the whole world doesn't live in your time zone.
  4. Tronk Augur

    And yet ... long queues. Sorry, not everyone is playing late at night in Hawaii.
  5. Tronk Augur

    And you should learn that you aren't in the only time zone. For a substantial portion of the population, the weekend is done.
  6. Aurmoon Augur

    I just got in after 15 minutes. Seems pretty reasonable to me given the holiday hasn't ended.
  7. Senadin Elder

    15 mins wait is reasonable, I gota say tho, there has to be a lot of folks playing this game if you are getting a 15 mins wait at 1:17am....

    That's kinda of a good thing. It equals an healty population!
  8. Rolien Elder

    Healthy population of bots.

    My bad six boxed mages.
  9. Greymere Augur

    Queues always happen during new releases its normal. Queue times will improve over time, maybe wait for the staff to get back from the holidays to start working on it again, plus players will start adjusting to their regular playtimes, I heard a lot of folks talking about their 3 and 4 day weekeneds they were putting in before going back to their 9-5 jobs and adjusting to a new play routine, patience.
  10. iatre Journeyman

  11. Warlorf Augur

    I was promised peace and long life .... Oops
  12. Draden Elder

    I think people are pretty naive. While it's a holiday weekend, most of the players that have 9-5 jobs also have families and other commitments. The gross number of players will not be changing their play times or length behaviors. If nothing is done, the que will die down when the majority of the players quit, then we will hear about how dead the server is, Exocet for the boxers who don't care about population anyway.