I stand corrected

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Senadin, May 20, 2015.

  1. Senadin Elder

    Sorry and apologies, the dev team worked hard tonite after the uproar hit the forums when i thought they were going home and call it quit they stayed. I am gona go eat my humble pie now! Hopefully this patch fixes it... once and for all.
    gluteous, Tronk, Klaria and 7 others like this.
  2. MBear Augur

    About 80% of the people on here tonight said stuff they shouldn't have. I wonder how many feel a bit guilty or embarrassed and how many just tell themselves "It is the internet".
  3. Lord Binky Elder

    It's not like any of them would have been able to sleep, anyways.
  4. Greymere Augur

    Luckily I only thought things I might have regretted saying instead of actually posting them :)
    gluteous and MBear like this.
  5. Katmandu26 Augur

    Everyone is pretty passionate and excited about the new server (how often do you get to start EQ fresh??)

    If you've been a bit heated and think maybe it got a bit far or out of hand, maybe a few words to the devs that worked all day to try to fix it would be a good start. I can't fathom having to hear all of the things that they do, and I'm sure a little positive feedback would go a long way.
  6. Banrak New Member

    I only witnessed the first couple of hours of drama last night, but it seemed like to me that at first people were just concerned that the servers would not be wiped. All the threads were calling for "just wipe it and everything will be fine". But then it was announced on twitter that they would NOT wipe it, which caused many people to lose their . I kind of understand why, too.
  7. Vulak-Arkadius Augur

    Always nice to see someone take responsibility for their actions, High Five :)
    gluteous and Katmandu26 like this.
  8. Dontee Elder

    I agree, kudos. I posted on my guild forums how I regretted my "WIPE or I'm gone post", but its done, and if it's contents contributed 1/1000th to the decision to wipe it was worth it.

    Good job DBG!
  9. Jezzie Augur

    I'm sure the biggest issue was people wanting their names for this new server. I understand, I took the day off work and managed to log in all 3 times to get my name. I'm certainly not mad that they wiped the server, I was of the opinion that they should of wiped the first time.

    The stories of people warping level 50's around for items/plat for alts and buffing level 1's bothered me and I'm sure it would of left a blemish on the integrity of the server. No doubt the first few to reach level 50 would of been called cheaters, maybe they still will be, we can be pretty toxic :)

    Was there any truth to these antics being streamed on twitch? Was it the streamers that were doing this and if so it begs the question "Are they really that dumb?"
    These stories definitely hurt Daybreak and us (the players), Advertising that people are blatantly using the hack won't bring people to Ragefire hurting the population so if it was just a bs story concocted by a few players that didn't get their name and were hoping for a wipe/second chance then shame on those people and I for one hope that some kind of disciplinary action is taken against those players.