I know one way EverQuest can regain its status as a Franchise

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Koveras, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Discord has killed reading chat skills in MMOs. I am playing DAoC Eden now (an amazing private server which brings back DAOC nostalgia from 2002 to 2005 for me) - and literally NOONE seems to read chat at all. This is with an aging population (like EQ) :(

    But I do love this idea Vumad. EQ literally taught a lot of highschool kids in 99/2000 to read and write. Not kidding, many played on Nameless.

    Brontus likes this.
  2. Iven the Lunatic

    For the sake of balance, either a "dislike button" should be added, or the "like button" being removed.

    Most of your arguments against a "dislike button" would also apply to the "like button". I think that the like button is just a lazy fashion feature that got copied from FB or whoever started that fashion first. Using it can become an addictional reflex and does remind me to the classical conditioning. It could be usefull for (unreflected) behaviour programming, elsewhere.
    Brontus and JetZeppelin2h like this.
  3. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Depends on what you consider a D&D movie but I consider 2006 Pan's Labyrinth as D&D movie that was great. Then I would still probably put all LoTR movies into D&D category as well and they may not have all been amazing but still decent movies.