I have heard that exp bonus potions are wasted if you go AA, is that true?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by GeezerGamer, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. GeezerGamer Journeyman

    And the same question applies to exp bonus weekends. Should I just stick to regular exp?

    And will exp potions stack with exp bonus weekends?

    BTW, when will the current one end?

  2. Geroblue Augur

    They count for regular experience, not AAs. Unless something has changed again and I didn't notice. Bonus pots count on bonus xp weekends.

    Its that Bonus Vet reward and bonus xp potion don't stack.
  3. beryon Augur

    They work, but they're additive, not multiplicative. So if you're getting a 10x low aa bonus, you'll be getting 11x or 12x with the bonus xp/potion, which is much less noticeable than double or triple with regular xp.