I feel bad about the people who run HAs...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Pistols4Pandas, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. Pistols4Pandas Elder

    I really do. I run them sometimes, too.

    But with a phenomenal group-geared group, absolutely slaughtering OT mobs, chain pulling and all. 1 kill per 30-40 seconds at 350kdps.

    It's like 30 AAs per hour.

    Experience is just incredibly, incredibly bad for regular grinding in RoS zones.

    I feel bad that people have lost a viable method to level up their characters with limited playtime, at the same time, hard work and skill are not adequately rewarded, either. It may be that people are running these not because they are 'amazing' or unfair experience, but because experience is just abysmal in high end content.

    Maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle.

    That is to say, perhaps we should better incentivize people to hunt in higher zones, not nerf everything they're doing because the experience is so bad in high end content.

    30 aa per hour is just depressing when you're really pushing the envelope of what can be done with a great group.
  2. Bigstomp Augur

    I roll through HA's now and then (EoK ones) and everything is fine.
  3. Tornicade_IV Augur

    I don't think People in Raid gear should have much input on group content. They have their raid content
  4. keviin101higuys Lorekeeper

    other people play the game then top raid geared warriors on Bristlebane....

    Roll through your raid zones and we will do our group/casual zones
    Kyzvs and Mordeen like this.
  5. svann Augur

    They already said they are adjusting them.
    Nudia likes this.