Hunter Achievements, Old Zones, & Rare Bonus

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kalela, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. ISmellLikeInnySwamp Augur

    Based upon the opinions of veterans, what are the top 10 hardest hunter achievements to complete?
  2. Windance Augur

    Define "hard?

    The latest expansions are always the hardest in terms of killing the rare mobs.

    I went back and did VoA and RoF hunter and there were two that stood out as stupid rare:
    - The Megaladon - Nearly a solid week of 1-2 hrs a night killing everything in the water.
    - Penkal the Filth Master - This has 3 phs in a cave. cycled them at least 50+ before it spawned.

    Its likely that every expansion has one or more rare spawn that's just stupid rare so they are all HARD in the sense that its a large time commitment even if the kills themselves are easy.
  3. Koutarou_E'ci Elder

    Jaled'Dar's Trapped Shade is just a stupid DPS test, but the bar is set WAY too high.

    When it was current you needed a dps-stacked group of fully geared raiders to do it with 6.
  4. Brickhaus Augur

    In the modern expansions, you really have to do hunters multiple times before you can get any kind of real sense if there is any significant difference. For example, I've done hunters at least 5 times in Sarith and never ever had an issue spawning Megaladon. For the most part, the named (assuming you identify and kill all placeholders in a cycle) are roughly equal. There are a few ... mistakes ... I think, but nothing huge.

    The old world stuff is far, far more challenging with crazy spawn cycles and timers.

    BTW, my absolute worst in a PoP+ expansion was one of the Plane of Valor mobs ... 143 cycles before a spawn. The next time through I got him in 2 cycles.
  5. Petalonyx Augur

    I'd nominate at least these 5. Nothing in the 15 most recent expansions makes it onto the Hell 10 list.

    Twilight Sea
    Dragon Necropolis (SoV)
  6. ISmellLikeInnySwamp Augur

    Where would South Karana achievements rank on a difficult to complete list? I've never seen the griffon in Jaggedpine and only just saw Grimrot in S.K this week for the first ever.
  7. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    SK is up there with jagged. i only saw grimrot onetime. problem with this zone phs can roam a big part of the zone. the last mob i ended up getting was synger foxfyre i was so upset it took me so long i stayed around and killed her 2 more times. pretty sad that how tough the norrathian slayer is and no achievement or anything nadda zip.