HS Mobs - Blue to L100 which don't summon

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ancientvine, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Ancientvine New Member

    Does anyone know of any zones which have headshottable blue (L95-L99) xp mobs which do not summon? I'm thinking some of the rangers are trying this out on the test server, but I'd like to know which zones may have these types of NPCs. Thanks!
  2. Sinestra Augur

    Shard's Landing has some I believe. Aren't the humanoid things in the city and in the one ragged camp humanoid tagged?
  3. guado Augur

    Shissar in Chelsith Reborn? are Shissars humanoid?
  4. Sinestra Augur

    Orcs in Crystal Caverns are humanoids as well I think.
  5. Ancientvine New Member

    I will try the Alarans in Shards Landing, but I think I remember archery not working on all of those. I'll have to check the orcs and shissar for mob type.
  6. Tarrin Augur

    Alarans in Evil Tree?
  7. Vlerg Augur

    orcs / coldain in EW ( are giant headshottable?)
  8. gcubed Augur

    In reference to Humanoid mobs, well... it is the flag that is important, not the way they look. Also just because a mob type in one zone is flagged as humanoid, does not mean that they are in another zone.

    As an example: The oozes in the City of Mists are flagged as humanoid so they can be headshot and assassinated. Oozes in some other zones are also, but there are zones where the oozes are NOT flagged as humanoid and those cannot be headshot and assassinated.

    It should also be noted that just because a mob has two arms, two legs and a head, doesn't mean that SOE flagged it as humanoid.
  9. Goth Augur

    if its got a head you should be able to headshot.. just my opinion.

    but with the slower proc rate would it take a while to kill something? guess its better than nothing.
  10. Sinestra Augur

    The same should be said about Decapitate, but it works on everything even if it doesn't have a head.
  11. Kolani Augur

    Bandits in EWK (static and Heroics) are headshottable, takes a little more effort in static to get to them, but they're great solo aaxp per kill.
  12. Alekzandre Augur

    [QUOTEAfter logging several hours with my parser on, I can say I've been seeing a HS proc about once every 55 seconds. While the ability to hit higer level targets is nice, this is a bit off the advertised 2/min proc rate. I know it says for "raid geared" people, but at about 80% raid gear from RoF or above, I don't think the rest would make that kind of difference.
    Perhaps the proc rate code can be turned up a touch to a 3 or 4 per minute target so that we may actually see an effective 2 per minute rate in game?
    I realize that I will not likely be able to farm Mino's in DSH like I used to for tradeskill meat, but as I said in an earlier post, I think the proc rate has been overly reduced based on SOE's stated goals for the adjustments. ][/QUOTE]

    The classification of "Humanoid" does vary by zone. Most giants are not Headshotable, but a few are, for example. Some Oozes are Headshotable (lol, is that a word). Some Drachnids are considered Human. That is just a few examples.

    The requirement that the mob be "Humanoid" needs to be removed from Headshot and Assassinate, since Decapitate does not have this restriction. The humanoid restriction serves no purpose IMO now that they have changed how these skills work.

    If you are in a zone that has no Humanoid classified mobs, in a group the Ranger and Rogue are penalized, but the berserker is not.