How to become a Silver account

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Xahn, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Xahn New Member

    I'm just wondering if spending $5 is the only way to become a silver account.
    If I'm a free account and go gold for 1 month do I become silver after that month?
    What about if I'm a free account and I purchase the new expansion? Do I become silver after that?

  2. Sebbina Augur

    Currently, using a krono for one month of gold is not a road to silver, you either buy the 500 SC to get silver status, or you have to subscribe and pay for gold status for at least one month which is 15$. If you intend to maintain silver for some length of time, the one time 500SC is cheaper.
  3. Toquillaw Augur

    As long as you go Gold by any means (other than some older trial offers which don't apply here) you revert to Silver. So you can use a Krono (buying it from the store or purchased in-game with plat from other players), or using a SOE card (like those sold by Walmart or Bestbuy), or a normal 1 month or longer subscription. All of them revert to Silver.

    See the post by Elidroth at the end of this thread.