How much time did you take off for Agnarr, and why?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kywen, May 12, 2017.

  1. Kywen Augur

    There have been a lot of comments from people saying they don't understand why someone would take time off from work for this new TLP server. Some people want to race, some people want to level, some want to farm.

    I took seven days off (4 paid, 3 unpaid) just to play one toon, and to meet and group with people, and chat in General. I am not planning to Level super fast... I want to travel around Norrath and sample lots of zones/dungeons fairly Level-appropriately.

    My mom was like, "Oh, you'll have the whole week off? We can come visit!" But I told her nothin doin! I'm not planning to come out of my room.

  2. Byzah New Member

    0 :) I'm joining a few days later when things have settled down.

    I recall 300+ naked ogres fighting over 1 terrified snake in the feerrott when Vazaele launched in 2001.

    I have 'nam style flashbacks every time I hear a frog chirp.

    GL to all the racers though. Wish I had the stamina.
    Gorgol the Ogre likes this.
  3. AgentofChange Augur

    Days off what? If you were a true EQ player, taking a day off means a day away from EQ.

    I just told my mom to have a few buckets ready and I'll let her know when I need to have them changed out.
  4. Kicking Snake Lorekeeper

    I worked double shifts for a month so I could take a 'vacation' to 'norrath'
  5. Rhodz Augur

    Being retired there is no real constraint except boredom and EQ exhaustion.
    Before then I never took any time off work to play, bills do not take holidays.
  6. nagash101 Augur

    LOL, so true and so awesome.
  7. Zapford Elder

    Reminds me of my night in a certain sorority 30 years ago...
  8. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    If things work out as planned, just the day after launch. I'm casual but I want to enjoy the launch and that will be easier to do with my kids at school and my wife at work.
  9. eqzekisdead Augur

    I never liked the first few days of a tlp. I am only logging in at the start to steal the names of popular tlp players.
    BringBackSWG and Panete like this.
  10. windbearer Lorekeeper

    0 days. Just not possible.
  11. Kahna Augur

    Not taking any time off this time but I have in the past. I get 30 days of paid vacation a year and I can only stockpile 60. Anything else poofs when the new year rolls around. My husband doesn't get nearly this much leave. So I end up taking time off and just sitting around the house or hanging out with my horses anyway. I might as well use them when a new expansion launches. My boss actually reprimands me if I don't use all my time off. I have to go in and explain why I am not using the benefit I earned.
  12. Febb Augur

    I took the evening off after I get off of work. The reason why, it's because I don't work in the evenings and I want to play on Agnarr.
  13. Accipiter Old Timer

    I'm taking 2 days off because I'm at my 200 hour vacation cap and will lose them anyway.

    Edit: Plus Monday's a holiday so...
  14. BringBackSWG New Member

    I took off Wednesday afternoon through the following Monday. Why? Because I am going to be the first level 50 on the server.
  15. Grelf Journeyman

    I took Thursday, Friday, and Monday off. No clue when the server launches on Wednesday so I'd rather save the PTO for Comic-Con later this July.

    Why? Because I need a mini vacation from work and just want to jam on some EQ. No pre-made group or anything, just going to wing it.
  16. Leftharted Elder

    None, cuz single family income 8/

    But she does like ALL the house stuff + lets me nerd out in my free time.. So not exactly complaining.
  17. RiplyAnklebiter Lorekeeper

    Five, because...well......I really don't need much of an excuse to not want to be at work?
    Primobolin and Grelf like this.
  18. Protocol Dragon Defender

    I quit my job. Should be able to kill Quarm before they foreclose on my house for lack of payments.
  19. Basak Augur

    I took no time off, I see no reason why anyone would. It's just a server launch, not like it is limited space or some tickets that sell out quickly.
    Hdizzle likes this.
  20. Artaserse2 Elder

    None. But I will devote Wednesday, Thursday & Friday evenings (EST) to the launch. Then, I'm going away for the 3 day weekend. So, I won't be back again until Tuesday night. :D