How much damage to mage Pets do nowadays?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Weebaaa, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Weebaaa Augur

    Just curious what sort of damage you can get out of the various pets.
    If I had a choice I'd ask for the more dps oriented Pets. But am in no position to demand.

    Thanks if you can help !
  2. Brohg Augur

    Paradoxically too much and not enough at the same time, you'll find both views held by the same magicians. Nerfs to the pets are attacking the core of the class, juxtaposed with the magicians own dps held back by this thing that takes maintenance.

    Also, it can vary pretty spectacularly by the support the pet is offered, vis a vis investment in crafted fero/cleave/+atk armors, and the presence or lack of a bard to boost [lots of things but especially] pet flurries.

    And THEN you have to clarify a little if you mean the real damage, or just what's reported to others. Not getting to see pet proc damage is a constant damper on what's observed by others. Can't see innate procs, weapon procs, or Iceflame damage; can't see Virulent Talon, or Zeal of Elements; can't see NET procs, or Lion procs, or Arcane/Suffering procs. It adds up.

    So the answer is somewhere in the 5k-50k "range" :p
  3. Weebaaa Augur

    How about I put minimal, but some effort into pet gearing.
    Maintain self pet buffs/ clicks, hit autoattack on a gh dummy and walk away for two hours ?
  4. Sindaiann Augur

    NET procs for a mage pet? LMFAO I have better things to do.
  5. Brohg Augur

    NET for anyone & anything meleeing for more than, like, 3 minutes of NET's 15 min duration, yeah. Under two minutes for classes with good crits. I haven't specifically checked proc rate for magician pets, but why not?
  6. Sancus Augur

    I've never found guild hall dummies to be indicative of real-world pet damage.

    One of the biggest issues with pet DPS is how inconsistent it is. Pet DPS in raids is both lower and much more variable than it is in groups, which further complicates it.

    I know it's not the answer you're looking for, but it unfortunately makes your question rather difficult to answer.
  7. Sindaiann Augur

    Totally agree with anyone and anything melee-ing part but honestly, TBM get's blown thru so fast that its difficult for even 3 enchanters just to keep NET on top melee DPS prior to event engage. Events just get blown thru like a hooker on a friday night. So in this context, no to mage pets.
  8. Sancus Augur