How do you enter the main Commons instance?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lowstats, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Lowstats Lorekeeper

    I am sitting here waiting for it to dip below 250 people. But everytime I /pick I continuously see it raising anywhere from 250-270ish people. Everytime I attempt to join it with more than 250 I get the "Magical force will not allow anymore to enter" message. Yet, people are still enterring it while I am being blocked and having to wait 5 more minutes before I can attempt to enter.

    So is there some way to enter it I am just not seeing?
  2. Rauven Augur

    Wait for a server restart and get in then. Then AFK on that character. Its literally the only way now. AFK auto-removal prevents you from ever seeing it drop down.

    You don't want to go to Commonlands Prime anyway. Its 200 AFKs. Like 10 traders, 30 farmers, and like 10 people dinking around at the various orc camps. Commonlands 1 or 2 has all the real traders in it.
  3. Hecula New Member

    There is something wrong with the zone counts. Today after people got back in the count was at 263 in base commonlands and I waited 15 mins for it to drop to 249. When I zoned to base I did a who and there were only like 45 players in the instance while the pick still displayed 250ish.
  4. Porygon Augur

    Don't try and pick, zone out, and back in. 90% of the time it will put you in the base instance.
  5. Weverley Augur

    Base on a different thread if you camp and stay in character select you are still in it.So technically u can have very few characters in the zone and it shows much more and those at character select can click enter world and be sure to be in the main commonlands.