How are you selling items?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vumad, Aug 17, 2022.

  1. Viper1 Augur

    Only to the right buyer looking to twink out an alt with specific IE items where they plan to level lock the alt to 110. Otherwise, no.
    Wdor likes this.
  2. Wdor Thief, Assassin, Purveyor of Fine Poisons

    On Povar, Ice Encrusted was selling between 1-2 million about a month or so before Blood Soaked started dropping. At least that's what I paid for a couple of pieces in the Bazaar. These pieces sat there a few days while I contemplated it also. I am unsure what they are going for now because I just have not checked, and the one piece of Ice Encrusted I had drop since then, a bow, was given to the alt of a group mate.
  3. Paladin Augur

    It is true most use General channel(s) to spam WTB and / or WTS stuff. I don't have a big issue with this myself, except maybe for the cross-server spammers. I do it myself once in a while, especially when what I want is not in Bazaar.

    After all, it is just spam in a chat window... and easily ignored or scrolled past.

    Some Players on a budget buy Krono to keep their Accounts All Access, rather than pay actual money, themselves. And then there are Players who are not necessarily on a Budget, but are Plat challenged (and may have limited Play time), so they will sell Krono to get Plat.

    As for /auction... It does still work, but it only spams the zone you are in. In effect, it is no different than /ooc. So either way, the 'audience' you spam is limited to the zone you are in.

    There are several options to chat spam, if it bothers you so much.

    - Use the /ignore command.
    - Add them to ignore with the 'Ignored' Tab in the Friends Window.
    - Move General Chat to a different Chat tab, and then review it when you want to.

    However, adding the ignore option to the chat window drop down (when you click their name) is a good idea.

    As for Bazaar, in Buyer Mode, you can offer stuff for Nobles that, in essence, can exceed the 2 Million Plat limit... meaning, in effect, you are 'selling' (trading your item) for more than 2 Mil Plat.
  4. Viper1 Augur

    Unfortunately, Nobles are broken, in that you get less plat back when trading it in than what was paid to acquire the Noble originally.
  5. Paladin Augur

    They have been that way from the start.

    Remember, they are being traded to you, or you are trading them away. Either way, you are not trying to recoup costs from buying them (traded away, the price you are willing to pay for the item you want), or you have no costs to recoup (you didn't buy them, they were traded to you as the price you were willing to accept for the item you offered).
  6. Viper1 Augur

    Yeah, that's not how it works. If buyer and seller agree to a trade worth 2Mpp using equivalent nobles, either the buyer is getting screwed, because they end up spending more than 2Mpp to purchase the nobles or the seller gets screwed because they get less than 2Mpp when they trade them in. Player-to-player trades are *always* better to complete using pp instead of nobles.

    There shouldn't be a "cost" to convert plat to noble and back. The whole point in creating them was to have a larger denomination currency and they failed. Case in point, almost no one actually uses them or even knows what they are. They'd see much more widespread use if A) nobles cost the exact same amount to purchase as they will return when you sell them back and B) you could actually set prices using nobles as a bazaar seller. As it is now, nobles seem only useful for interacting with Marcia Attamilgad.
    Wdor and Stymie like this.
  7. Paladin Augur

    Once again, you are missing the 'price you are willing to accept' part.

    If you make the exchange either way, you did so at a price you accept and therefore, are not getting 'screwed' as you put it. After all, if the price isn't right or acceptable to you, don't make the deal. That simple.
    Wdor and CatsPaws like this.
  8. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    The EverQuest bazaar makes me feel like a nefarious US publicly traded corporation driving prices up higher than they ever should be for my shareholders. I have to sell items for prices I would never pay just to control my inventory flow. I'd be farming or manufacturing product in game every day if I drop my prices. I'm playing a corporate weasel CEO in a bazaar sim in EQ right now.
  9. Viper1 Augur

    Then tell me why anyone would choose to deal in nobles instead of just straight pp? Because, as it is now, I don't see any reason why nobles exist in the game.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Noble tax is 10% isnt it? Not seeing how thats outrageous considering the delivery fee for bazaar purchases is 10%. Sure you can avoid it by going to the bazaar and finding the trader, but most dont.
    Wdor and Paladin like this.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    How many collectables can you get a day from overseer? Sure you can get them that way for free but it is going to take some time if you need to collect many of them.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  12. Riou EQResource

    If you can do both rotations with all 10 quests in each, it's around 4-8 collectibles per day, probably more realistically 2-4 a day though depending on crits

    If you start at no collectibles it will be rough to catch up on that, but if you are caught up you can stay caught up exclusively via Overseer if you stay Expansion -1 (that they only let you pick), but also staying this lets you have a decent amount of AA or regular experience for brand new Expansions
    Wdor likes this.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Still can be easily worth hitting the bazaar up to get in order to complete them in a timely manner and free up overseer quests for other things.
    Loup Garou likes this.
  14. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    1. Buy trader Bags
    2. Put items into said trader bags
    3. Set prices for said items
    4. Watch and sell said items while once in awhile check on prices.

    If its something over 2m i will do a auction or go to general chat but i pretty much keep all my stuff under 2m only stuff i have over that are the crate illusions and such.
  15. Vumad Cape Wearer

    It's shocking (but yet not really) the number of people who answered the question by explaining how to list things for sale on trader while presenting in a very condescending tone.
    Wdor and Metanis like this.
  16. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Doubt folks were intentionally condescending posts don't always convey intent well...Everquest is full of people who have a thing for details. I mean the game itself caters to OCD tendencies (which I have!). Because of this people tend to spell out minutia but also in these types of forums sometimes that level of detail is helpful for others.

    What else explains a level 120 looking at level 1-5 quests with an overwhelming impulse to get those boxes checked on my Accomplishment screen?
    Wdor and Vumad like this.
  17. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    As a player with hundreds of millions of plat I don't tend to work hard at making money anymore. Everytime I turn around I have a few hundred K to throw in the bank from just putzing around in various zones doing various things that interest me.

    That being said now and then I might have a big ticket item (FV) to sell in #general but mainly I'll put on my baz trader @ 2M cause I don't want to be bothered. Except for pet focus I have a max spend of 2M on a slot to upgrade anything. Other saleable items if they are 3k+ tribute I just tribute way less work than being bothered to put on my vendor...anything less I usually just destroy. Doing my part to clean up Norrath!
  18. Metanis Bad Company

    One or two broadcasts a day in General wouldn't be out of line. I try to do them in the early evening hours when the server population is the highest. Start high and gradually reduce your price. Eventually someone will give you a tell and you can negotiate further. I use a bazaar trader too but on our server it's rare to sell anything for more than 200k unless it's a 40 slot bag.
    Vumad likes this.
  19. Wdor Thief, Assassin, Purveyor of Fine Poisons

    I used to save up the Overseer bits until I could convert them into a hundred or so collectables at a time, and you are correct, it takes quite a while. Now that I have finished every collectable possible to get through Overseer, except ToL of course, I am now doing Overseer on another character.
    Deux likes this.
  20. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Collections take 12 hours. You can do 5 at a time, 10 in a day if you are completely efficient. If you can get all of them as trade/diplomacy, you can get 10 fragments, or 2.5 collections per day. Critical successes give you double fragments and if everything was a critical success then you could max out at 5 collections per day.

    But I highly doubt many people are getting more than 1 12-hour round of overseer per day and probably only getting 1 in 5 critical success, with the occasional failure.

    So I would say a realistic number is 3 collection items per 2 days. Great if you only need a few here and there, but around 200 items.

    Plus, level 5 trade/diplomacy give 1% XP per complete (takes 4 to get 1 collection item), whereas, collections only give 2% XP, so even if a player only needs 1 item to finish a collection, it's still worth half the XP to claim collections than to claim the mission. Needing more than 1 item makes it way less valuable.

    So collections in overseer are only good for people who are done leveling and are trying to get AA from Overseer. People trying to level quickly with collections have to use the Baz or handouts.