How a level 100 can help a Level 75 with J5 Merc Task

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Qest T. Silverclaw, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    1. Get someone other than the level 100 to be able to obtain the mission. This can be the level 75 you're helping.
    2. Bind the 100 in KW (or figure on a long run).
    3. 100 goes to PoK and shrouds down to 70.
    4. Borrow people to get the average group level up to 75 without anyone over level 85. They don't need to assist other than joining the group.
    5. Get the mission.
    6. 100 removes shroud.
    7. 100 can now enter the mission with the 75.
  2. pk76 Augur

    looking for a nerf or "" fix" :rolleyes: ( good info btw ).

    BTW , SOE should raise the level spread ( for tasks ) going from 15 lv difference to 25. imo
  3. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Nobody on Bertoxxulous Server needs this anymore unless they're just getting to level 75, or play in the wee hours of the morning EST when I'm never on, I know because I've long publicly offered free help with this, and I no longer get any takers when I advertise.

    There are much bigger problems to fix, multi-questing, beam kiting, lack of charmable mobs in HoFa and c. I don't even consider this a problem since the 15-level spread for missions is so out-dated. They've also said that they expect everyone to have these mercs.

    P.S. Mem Blur on the Thralls FTW.