House of Thule & Warrior question

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hamshire, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. Hamshire Augur

    Our TLP is about to hit House of Thule and House of Thule was when warriors would use a shield 24/7 due to Improved Shield Specialist. I have been doing some searching the past few days and have found that this aa has been merged into other aa's and or just straight out removed from the game at one point.

    Do warriors still shield tank 24/7 in House of Thule? If so does anybody know what the current aa name is that makes it viable? If not I assume that nothing changes from Underfoot going into House of Thule now? You can still hold aggro with a shield using Rage of Rallos Zek and Projection Fury but if those are on cooldown then you cannot?
  2. Thash Zoner

    They were refunded, merged into weapon stances, and locked behind CotF, removing them from people who'd been using them for a long time and requiring expansion purchases to regain.

    I'd guess it means they won't be there for Thule this time around.
  3. TheGirthyOne New Member

    Depending on your style of play, but you dont have to shield so much for HoT as you will some VoA, RoF, CoTF and then primarily all tanking TBM+
  4. Szilent Augur

    the Improved Shield Specialist is gone forever, any contemporary information about warrior play from that time should be wholly ignored. No current AA makes shield tanking attractive.
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