Hold the line on Enchanter DPS

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Qest T. Silverclaw, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. EverChanter Augur

    One issue with an instant cast self stasis...once any class other then bard or chanter sees it, than every class will have it, just look at the illusion debates and classes that continue to ask for more.

    As for the pulling issues needing more stasis or instant ones, well every chanter plays and pulls differently. I don't use stasis as much as I probably should, but it's only because I'm utilizing other tools to do so. Some will feel that a lower recast time would be the help, others seek a new one completely.
  2. Mykaylla Augur

    Regarding Self Stasis...

    1. There are times that that mez is actually more useful than a fade like warrior/clerics/wizards et cetera get. I would personally prefer to see an additional aggro drop that is *not* a mez, rather than do away with that one entirely. I don't think having an additional is too powerful- this is the class that is supposed to be manipulating minds on a grand scale.

    2. The reuse timer. Self Stasis used to be a great deal faster. It was nerfed in Underfoot. The stated reason at that time was not that enchanters were overpowered, or something unintended was happening, or anything of that sort- it was to "bring it in line with other classes (new) aggro-shedding abilities." Like zerker fade, beastlord FD, et cetera.
    I thought it was silly then, and it's even sillier now. Memblur, charm, pacify, mesmerizing, stunning, alliance have been part of the chanter toolkit since day one. Aggro modifiers came along and were in the hands of enchanters first (Shadowknights got Voice of Thule later). If it makes a mob angrier, nicer, more forgetful, distracted, whatever- it's the chanter schtick, manipulating the minds of others. Fading Memories broke that rule. Self Stasis got nerfed on the basis of not having a more frequent fade than others, and then House of Thule saw paladins and warriors get much faster, VoA saw clerics and druids get the same, and saw wizards get even better than all of them, at 2.5 minute reuse, with a netherstep to get you out of harm's way, and instant cast. Fair's fair- it's in the job descriptions as puller/CCer/general mindbender; it shouldn't be one of the worst.
  3. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Except ours can be used twice instantly. Even Monks have to wait a few seconds before they FD again while we can use our two abilities back-to-back.
  4. Mykaylla Augur

    No they don't, they can FD get up and then Imitate Death. Or vice versa. They are also not the classes that got the aggro drop abilities in Underfoot.

    EDIT: Actually, a good comparison would be nothing to do with shedding aggro. Divine Arbitration. Clerics have Divine Arbitration AA usable every 3 minutes. They also have the 2.0 epic click which is a balance also, every 3 minutes. In SoF, druids and shaman got Survival of the Fittest/Ancestral Intervention, as an "arbitrate-like" ability. If they get their AAs for it, they can use it every 1.5 minutes (not counting if they hit forceful rejuvenation). It's balanced around the idea that in the same 3 minute interval, each priest can use their arbitrate-ish abilities twice- a cleric can hit them closer together and then wait longer to reuse, a druid or shaman can occasionally use it three times, but overall, it balances out. An enchanter can stasis themselves, if they use friendly only for themself, three times in a 15 minute period (and then one repops, and one is still grey). A wizard can hole in space 6 times. A cleric/paladin/druid/warrior can fade five times. ~Laughs~ Even rangers et cetera have gotten more hastened AAs for their fade... the fade abilities which got enchanter self stasis and friendly stasis nerfed in Underfoot, incidentally.
  5. Bighitz Augur

    We dont want fade, the less utility we have the more we can ask for DPS, which is what any real berserker cares about. And all those that are crying over Enchanter DPS, i must just say this one thing: you dont even try. I have grouped with so many chanters and practically none of them take initiative to get a charmed pet (huh? do i also have to work for xp?) - the typical chanter just wants to occasionally crowd control and other than that just nuke a little and watch alot of TV, sorry but you got a Cadillac for group dps, but you dont use it! as for your raid usage, if you are put into a group of 4 wizards and a healer you will do alot of added DPS and thereby you are not useless.

    Thats it, see it ? we still need you - problem is just that the average chanter is pretty bad at playing their class...
    Robnie likes this.
  6. Mykaylla Augur

    Not really, a lot- at least, not yet. ADPS for melee and ADPS for nukers are very different animals at present. Enchanter third spire is unnecessary at this point with increases to crit mod AAs- it is +7% chance to crit only. Prolonged Destruction maxes a wizard out when burning. Fierce Eye, Auspice, et cetera, have all vastly outstripped it, because the current development choice is not to improve spires at all ever, while other AAs get upgrades, as well as everyone getting passive fury of magic/spell casting fury mastery upgrades. Even though second spire is not a huge amount of mana, it is still frankly the spire of choice in virtually every circumstance now, as it can be used for healing, for knights to get back in after death, or to let casters nuke for longer, outweighing the small DPS boost of third spire used during a non-burn (i.e. the only time it's useful- an enchanter doesn't even need it for burning themself, with Calculated Insanity). Twincast aura does absolutely nothing on a burn for a wizard. Or any other nuking class, for that matter. The only other thing that an enchanter currently does for caster DPS in group is MR aura, which is frequently superceded by resonant potions, as the base nuke on resonants is higher, and spells are far more limited in procs than your melee.

    On the plus side of things, at fan faire the development team said that they are aware that enchanters are in something of a no man's land, especially for raid desirability, and they also stated outright that they want enchanters to be for casters and caster groups what bards are for melee. How they will achieve that is unknown, but it's a current design goal, and it may mean stagnation in some bard caster augmentation as well as boosting in enchanter casting augmentation. It may mean a code change with procs stacking(please, please- when you're casting two spells with twincast in the time that some classes are connecting forty-six times, procs are going to have a very different affect on damage output, since most of the important ones nowadays have procrate mods so that they "bleed out" appropriately during a burn). However it is achieved, it is a current goal.
  7. Bighitz Augur

    I know you guys at ROI dont like chanters, but if you do have wizards (which i dont know if you do?), MR is somewhat better than tonic, so having 4 wizards 1 enchanter should be able to an addition to dps compared to almost any other class in raid, having 5 casters procing off MR is a ton of sustained dps. I havent grinded out the numbers, but thats my impression.

    I agree tho, they could be made more desireable very few chanters are ness. for a good mix atm. (1-2 is enough?)
  8. EverChanter Augur

    Maybe YOU didn't want a fade, or an agro drop, but enough from the class asked for it that they put it in. There's absolutely no reason why a zerker (king of the big axe, run in and smash your face in) or a warrior/Paladin (tankasaurus rexes) should have any type of fade. It's just not in the lore of their class designs. The only reason a shadow knight gets them is because of their undead type nature.

    Not completely true. I believe our Stasis has a cast time, while our self stasis and friendly stasis are instant. Monks get feigned death, imitate death, and I'm sure they have an added FD as a combat ability as well. The recasts on the chanter stasis need looked at and possibly reduced to be more in line with every other class that gets an agro fade (is there even a class that doesn't have one anymore?)

    Regardless, the discussion of agro fade has nothing to do with the topic, which is a call for nerfs for enchanter dps. I'm really interested in seeing what Qest thinks should be done to help the class, since everything he's done and said in the last 2 months has hurt every chanter that used stun lock, and asking for less desirability for the future of the class.
    Leerah likes this.
  9. Keise Elder

    Regardless, the discussion of agro fade has nothing to do with the topic, which is a call for nerfs for enchanter dps. I'm really interested in seeing what Qest thinks should be done to help the class, since everything he's done and said in the last 2 months has hurt every chanter that used stun lock, and asking for less desirability for the future of the class.[/quote]

    I asked him this question a few days ago, he doesn't have a clue I guess, he's full of ideas on destroying the class though

    And so far the only thing that has changed in the last year to fix the class is what? 2? 3? nerfs....I guess we can say we got upgrades for the expansion to spells...luckily nobody else got them
  10. Mykaylla Augur

    Arcane Force VIII, which is the strike from Tonic of Resonant Elemental XVI, has a 3375 base. Mana Repercussion Strike III has a base of 2881. That's the rk. III version of the spell, after the damage upgrade, versus the potion. Now, I'll grant you, there's a 10% chance that MR will hit for more, but most would rather take the 90% chance of dealing more damage. That's just from Resonant Elemental, mind you- for classes that use a single resist type, they can use a single element tonic, with a 4125 base.
  11. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I'm really pleased about what I've heard about the new expansion. With Enchanters only nuking for ~100k max, our DPS will still be low compared to other classes at level 100. This suggests that we will be powerful in other ways.
  12. Cakvala Augur

    There wasnt anything fun in the new expansion for enchanters at a beta buffed 100 level with 8k aa, i only nuked for 80k crits nothing higher than that.

    All the spells were copy / paste as well.
    Leerah likes this.
  13. Xnao Augur

    I wish I could nuke for 80k. Support classes outnuking dps classes, what has this game come to.
  14. EverChanter Augur

    One day we will have dot stacks that do 180k tick, but don't worry until that happens you can cry about your nuke damage and avoid the fact you still top caster dps. Can't have it all, but I'm sure you'll keep asking!

    Asked for perm illusions - lol
    Asked for wizard like nuke damage - lol
    Why do you play a necro?
  15. Cakvala Augur

    Keep in mind that was the longest casting nuke as well which isnt great for keeping up with DPS. That also a critical nuke not standard damage.
  16. Xnao Augur

    It was a jest at the biggest issue in modern EQ. Errybody wants to be DPS. :(
  17. EverChanter Augur

    That's not what the biggest issue, which is there's no differences in classes anymore. You're one of the ones advocating for it with your asking for perm illusions and high damage nukes, can't just take your overpowered dots and be happy eh? Chanters are hardly DPS or even close to being considered a DPS class; while necros ARE and keep asking for more and more and more. More so to the point that you came to the chanter thread to complain about it (which I'm guessing is because of the beta discussions). So let's conclude:

    1. The biggest DoT DPS class asks for nuke boosts than complains that chanters can CRIT nuke for 86k with max aa's and lvl 100...
    2. You asked for perm illusions for all classes yet complain when classes that aren't your own get a DPS increase...You want everything to be of one standard, but ONLY if your class is better then the standard...
    3. Claim that everybody wanting to be a DPS class is the biggest issue in EQ, when in order to be DPS all classes must be made standard with options that are to be exclusive to another class....see issue 1 & 2
  18. EverChanter Augur

    Not quite sure what you mean by being powerful in other ways, we didn't get anything different at all. The only thing that changed was the separation of mem blurs and roots from mezzes, everything else added was just an upgrade to reflect the level increases.
  19. Cakvala Augur

    You are correct nothing really new and only a few fixes during expansion release.
  20. Keise Elder

    Everybody wants to DPS.....and everyone wants to, pull, heal, CC, and tank also, that's the problem with this game, everyone wants to do everything, but enchanters and bards ARE STILL the only support classes
    But if I played your class I wouldn't be whining about nukes, I would say you do fairly good DPS *cough* with those dots