Hoarded Worker Sledgemallet Quest Level

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Keenween, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. Keenween Elder


    does anyone know with which level you can start the quest/task to get the Hoarded Worker Sledgemallet ?

    The info on Allakhazam is wrong (level 95). My level 103 char give the Faded Hoarded Worker Sledgemallet to the npc and eat it, so the level info on Alla is wrong.

    I hope any here have the correct level to start the task (turn in to start the task).

  2. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    No clue about the quest, but the minimum level requirement to use the mallet itself seems to be 106.
    I think I was 110 when I did the Skull of Null charm(which is in the same category) though.

    My totally unfounded guess would be level 106-110 for the quest, as that was the level-range for the expansion.