Hit 90 recently on my ranger...

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Sakuraba, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Sakuraba Augur

    And having a hard time find any gear that doesn't have a prestige tag on it lol. Maybe I'm just looking the wrong places; figured the stuff bought with Valor Marks would be equippable by everyone but sure enough those are prestige.

    Any recommendations on somewhere I might be able to poke around, either solo or with friends, to get at least a couple pieces going?
  2. Laronk Augur

    Tier 1 gear of each expansion is non prestige. So at 90 you're looking at the stuff that drops in Argath.
  3. Picaresque Augur

    Easiest is to purchase Rustic wraps in the bazaar or go kill named in the Valley. Awesome would be to get raid gear from VoA Tier 2 raids. Tier 1 isn't too bad either.

    You may be best served by going to raidloot.com and searching for items with Prestige excluded.
  4. Gialana Augur

    The "trash" drops of visible armor from T1 RoF are level 90 Req, but the non-visible trash drops are level 92 reg. The drops from trash mobs are broken down into plate, chain, leather, and cloth instead of one per class. You might be able to find the following cheaply in the bazaar, which covers the full set of visibles:
    • Bosquetreader's Chain Sleeves
    • Chain Leggins of the Stalker
    • Chain Tunic of Pestillence
    • Forseeing Chain Coif of the Stalker
    • Frostchain Gloves of the Stalker
    • Hasteful Chain Treads
    • Stalker's Poisonous Wristband

    For the Boreal armor, you'll need level 92. If you can get the no-drop templates from T2 VoA, you'll also be able to upgrade the Rustic to Formal armor (it's very expensive to go directly to Formal without first getting the Rustic). However, it may not be worth your while to get the formal armor when you'll be able to get the Boreal armor in 2 levels, which is much better.
  5. Bashiok Crownguard Augur

    TBM gear is non prestige
  6. Sakuraba Augur

    Don't have TBM at the moment; should have mentioned that in my opening post lol my bad.

    As for everyone else, thanks guys.
  7. Porterz73 Augur

    Another good option if you don't have TBM is to level to 92 and then get a set of the Fear Touched armour. Some items are very cheap in baz if you don't wish to farm your own.
  8. Umbraeques Lorekeeper

    Also, if you can find a smith, the Cultural armor is decent enough, and non-prestige. Roughly equivalent to about T2 gear with the symbols and seals.

    Mostly T1 and T2 of the most recent few expansions have had non-prestige gear.