Highest active f2p server in 2018?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Neroku_Necro, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Neroku_Necro New Member

    I know a lot of these posts pop up. I did a lot of searching and reading but generally it was either from last year suggesting TLP, Test or advertising their low pop servers. Couldnt find a solid answer for 2018. The servers I have in mind are

    Cazic Thule

    Which out of these servers has the highest consistent platerbase across all the time zones? Much appreciated if anyone knows. Thank you ! :3
  2. Riou EQResource

    if you want all hours of the day then firiona vie

    Bristlebane is closest, but worse in the AM hours, but better in the PM prime time sat-mon hours, otherwise FV beats it
    Neroku_Necro likes this.
  3. Neroku_Necro New Member

    Thanks for the reply! I guess that answers my question fully and hopefully this post is something others can take a look at in the future if they search up the forum posts. Regarding 2018.
  4. Monkman Augur

    Xegony is great, bunch of active raid guilds doing current content.. however it is almost August and I would imagine a majority of the servers are experiencing their summertime lull. Check back around December and the servers are usually 2 to 3x more populated
    Neroku_Necro likes this.